Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Unexplained peak of millenial deaths from August through December 2021. Caused by Covid vaccines?

I was unable to find out much about the author "Jessica Rose". She claims to be a "Computational Biologist and Data Analyst" with a Master Degree in science and a Ph.D.  I'd never herd of a "computational biologist", so was amazed on how much Wikipedia had on the subject:

Computational biology included computer models -- something I avoid in climate science. Computer models predict whatever the programmer wants to predict. They have been worthless for climate science for over 40 years. I decided to read three of the author's prior Substack articles, surprisingly available for free:       https://jessicar.substack.com/p/lets-put-the-its-cuz-there-are-so

Ms. Rose seems credible to me. This article did not come to any conclusions, which was disappointing, but did have some interesting data charts. Too many charts -- I'm presenting the best charts, and a short version of the article. An article with no data is just an opinion. An article with too much data is hard to read.

always means I have significantly shortened the original article. I do that to make the article better: easier to read and focused on the main point. The word "Source" means I've done no more than minor editing. Often including a new, more descriptive title.

Ye Editor



... "I’ve been doing some looking around in VAERS at young people who have reported dying for a time now and I want to share some data and get some feedback.

On the subject of excess deaths of youths, enter Edward Dowd.

... He was a portfolio manager for the multinational investment firm BlackRock and a former analyst and Wall Street executive. ...

... The Millennials, about ages 25 to 40, experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality in the fall, he said, describing it as the “worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.”

It was the highest increase in excess deaths of any age group last year, seven times higher than the Silent Generation, those who are older than 85.

    And the increase coincided with the vaccine mandates
and the approval of the booster shots.

    “Basically, Millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021,” Dowd said, noting 58,000 people died in the conflict.

... What is happening on our doorsteps is shocking
and everyone needs ... to start paying attention.

... If you head online to
prepare to have some "fun". You can select ‘Filter’ and then pick the United States and a particular age group. If you select the age group from 25-44 years old you get the chart below. As you can see, this plot confirms what Edward said: there is, in fact, an 80% increase in excess mortality in this young age group in late summer/early fall 2021.

This also confirms insurance company data.

What on earth could have caused this incredible increase?

Was it COVID with its Infection Fatality Rate for this age demographic of virtually 0 (“The Infection Fatlity Rate (IFR) was zero among people aged 18 to 39 years”)?

Probably not.

The timing is off with regard to Delta Covid.
Was it opioids?
Maybe, but according to CDC, the deaths due to opioids is not sufficient to account for such an excess.

Was it suicides?
Maybe, but according to CDC, the deaths
 due to suicides is not sufficient to account
for such an excess either.

Was it the injections? Unknown.

Can we find out using VAERS data?
Maybe. We can look for hints.

Some VAERS data. (Reported VAERS data presented in several charts did not provide strong evidence the Covid vaccines were the main cause of the millenial death spike.  Ye Editor)

I plotted the data in VAERS reported for 25-44 year olds and extracted their death data. Of all of the Domestic deaths reported in VAERS, this age group represents 9.3% of the deaths (Total deaths: N = 12,136; Deaths individuals aged 25-44: N = 1,132).

For the combined Domestic and Foreign data sets, the total number of deaths is double that of Domestic alone (Total deaths: N = 25,301; Deaths individuals aged 25-44: N = 1,828) where the 25-44 age group represents 7.2% of the deaths. The following plot includes the data for the combined data sets.

... Nothing else too shocking ... Besides dead young people reported to VAERS in the context of the magical COVID-19 injections.

There is a peak in death reports ... in April and in August. 

... There is a (VAERS) peak in deaths in this age group at the same time as the peak in deaths overall for this age group as per the CDC excess mortality data.

The question remains, what is killing the millenials?

The timing fits for the delayed entries to VAERS --- there’s also a peak in August/September for entries arising within 30 days of the injections.

... From what I can see so far, the suicides and overdoses, even though they have been on the rise for the past 2 years, comprise only a small percentage of the deaths in this age group.

Surprisingly, malignant neoplasms outrank all other ‘select’ death causes across all age groups and have done so for many years.

I am also surprised not to see the overdoses and suicides listed in the select cause of death list as plotted below even though, percentage-wise, neither comprise even 1% of the total death count for this age group.

To be continued… "

Carefully selected charts
Ye Editor