Monday, April 4, 2022

USPS Admits Postal Workers Illegally Spied on Americans


"When you think of your local Post Office, you think of the people who deliver your mail and get you stamps.

What you don’t think of is that Post Office workers could be the modern day James Bond… an undercover spy.

    Well, it turns out that the USPS has been working on a covert mission to spy on American citizens… and now they are finally admitting that it was illegal and that at least a quarter of their work within this program was unauthorized and illegal.

    Postal inspectors’ covert surveillance program conducted unauthorized searches and exceeded its law enforcement authority, according to a new audit from the United States Postal Service’s watchdog.

    The USPS Inspector General found more than a quarter of analysts’ work on a covert program over two-plus years may not have had legal authorization.

    The inspector general dug into the postal inspectors’ Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) at the request of the House Oversight and Reform Committee,

which urged the watchdog last year to review accusations that the postal service surveilled Americans’ social media accounts through iCOP."

The whole story is here: