Sunday, April 3, 2022

Pro-Trump Websites and Social Media Uncover Massive Censoring by Twitter

Conservatives who use Twitter are twits and conservatives who use Facebook are fools. They censor people like you. Stay away. If you use either website, you are part of the censorship problem, not part of the solution. I have never used, and will never use, Twitter or Facebook. 
Ye Editor

"We (at The Gateway Pundit - TGP) knew this was happening before we were kicked off of Twitter.  

The Big Tech site noticeably censors conservatives and has done this for a long time.

Back in 2016, we could tell how popular an article was on The Gateway Pundit based on the number of Twitter shares the article obtained.  

We could also do the same with Facebook.  

The more shares, the more popular and impactful the article.  

TGP was one of the most influential websites in the 2020 election per various studies, one from Harvard.

    Harvard Study Identifies The Gateway Pundit As One of the Most Influential Conservative Media Outlets in 2016

By the end of 2017, Facebook had eliminated 93% of the traffic of conservative websites.  

TGP has 30% of its business coming from Facebook before the 2016 election reduced to 3% in a year.

So it It comes as no surprise that others are noticing now how Twitter is censoring conservatives.  

Dan Bongino reported yesterday on observations Sean Davis uncovered on Twitter when compared to President Trump’s new website.

Bongino provided multiple additional examples.

We knew Twitter was censoring conservatives years ago.

Now we have more proof of it going on.  

Twitter appeared happy to censor the truth that conservatives share.  

They have done it for years.  

Now we have additional proof this is happening:

Sean Davis

"How oppressive and obvious is Twitter’s
 shadowbanning of conservatives?

The same message on Truth Social got 2x the engagement as it did on Twitter despite an audience that’s 95% smaller (17k followers on Truth vs 320k on Twitter while being shadowbanned)."