Monday, April 11, 2022

The next seven posts are "reheated leftovers" from last week

The next seven posts are carefully selected paragraphs from the best seven of three dozen articles left over from last week. Sometimes a few good paragraphs add up to very interesting news. You can always click on the link provided with each article to read the full article.

I try to find about three dozen articles to read every morning. Based on the title and author, or based on the title and first paragraph. For about one dozen of them, I'll never finish reading -- not worthy of my time due to factual errors, too many opinions not supported by facts and data, or just poorly written. That leaves about two dozen articles to read every day. Nine to twelve of them will be good enough to be published on one of my three blogs, sorted by subject. By the end of the week, I'll have dozens of articles left -- leftovers that did not get published.  Today I decided to publish the best paragraphs, from the best of the "leftovers", rather than deleting all of them every Monday morning.

I would be reading a few dozen articles every day even if I had no blogs. I spend one to two hours a day to publish the best articles I've read.  Time required increases if there are charts I have to fix to make them easier to read, and poorly written articles I have to edit. Once in a while I write my own rap (ranting and raving, according to leftists) on a subject not covered well in an article I just read.  I prefer to publish a variety of authors.

Hey, that adds up to 8 hours of "work" a day -- more work than I did just before I retired at the end of 2004, at age 51. They paid me a six figure salary back then, versus no money for publishing three blogs, but I like this "job" a lot more, especially "the boss", who never gives me a hard time, or an unrealistic deadline !

Ye Editor