Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Something new at the blog today

The next six posts include only a link to the article and what I consider to be the key paragraph from the article. The six posts are from articles I read for this blog that didn't get in my top six (that are posted here after them).

Every day I identify about three dozen articles to read, based on the title and author, or title and first paragraph.

One dozen will end up published in my three bogs.

One dozen will be read, not published, and deleted. Today I decided to include key paragraphs from about half of them. Rather than "saving them for the weekend", when the number of new articles declines. And then rarely using any of them.

One dozen articles I will never finish reading, 
usually because:

(1)  I've published similar articles, 

(2) Details don't support the main point of the article well, 

(3) The subject doesn't interest me, or 

(4) My internal BS meter started "ringing" when I spotted a statement I know is wrong, or the author's speculation is presented as a fact.

My job as an editor is to present authors I believe know what they are talking about. Articles that are likely to be ignored, or censored, by the leftist-biased mass media and social media. They have little interest in truth. Because truth is not a leftist value. But I thank them for making my three blogs necessary.

Ye Editor

Richard Greene

Bingham Farms, Michigan

NOTE: My blogs are always free. No ads. No money for me. If you want to donate $1,000, I will not accept your money ... and if you believe that, I own a 25% share of the Brooklyn Bridge that I'd like to sell you, as the investment of the century.