Wednesday, April 6, 2022

It's UFO day at the blog. One day a year. This is science that's fun too.

This article sets up my next post. It's sad that an "unusual source", The Sun, is my only choice here. But this story is ignored by the mainstream media. Once a year I present my favorite complex crop formation aerial photographs (aka crop circles) (see next post). These precise works of geometric art show up in farmers' fields overnight.  They are my favorite modern art!  Sometimes floating balls of light are seen over the fields. But usually the farmers are asleep. There is no possible way humans could create these precise designs overnight in the dark (or even create them in daylight, if allowed a whole week to work on them).

The stalks of the plants have mysterious changes to the nodes caused by unknown sources of energy. University of Michigan physicists came to that conclusion in the 1990s. They are NOT bent over and broken, as if humans stomped on them. There are no tracks in the crops showing that people had been walking in the fields.  Reason: These crop circles are created from the air by UFOs. I would feel like a fool if I provided any other conclusion. This conclusion is obvious. Of course I'm interested in the truth -- not beliefs -- and I could not care less if others mock my claim that UFOs from other planets exist.

It's been about 80 years since the first UFO reports, yet the mainstream media still avoids reporting about UFO's.  Back in World War II, US pilots called the UFOs they frequently saw: "Foo Fighters" (mispronouncing faux fighters). The mainstream media try to dismiss the eyewitness Air Force pilots as having illusions, or delusions. Of course no one with sense trusts the mainstream media. At least they don't hide this subject, like they do with Covid vaccine adverse side effects.

The government tried to hide the existence of UFO until a few years ago, when several videos of UFOs taken by Navy pilots somehow got released (see links below). They were confirmed on the TV show "Unidentified", by the pilots and radar operators. There is no doubt these videos show UFOs from other planets. A government report on UFOs was lame, and tried to imply they might be Russian. Trying to blame Russia -- our favorite scapegoat. 

Here are some very interesting links:

Of course these silent space vehicles are from other planets. You would have to be a fool to claim UFOs don't exist, or are from this planet. Yet people do that, and mock those of us who recognize the obvious. The anti-UFO consensus can be cruel, even when they are not correct. People also character attack others who do not believe CO2 is a satanic gas.  Plenty of people still believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. And many leftists still believe Donald Trump colluded with Russians to win the 2016 election. In general, the average person is not very bright -- minds filled with beliefs based on faith, that are contradicted by evidence and data. Or even worse: They believe everything the government tells them, without question! Anyone who believes Jumpin' Joe Biden and Kamala "dingbat" Harris should have their heads examined. Hopefully, nothing will be found.

Ye Editor


"A US NAVY warship was shadowed by two car-sized balls of light which were unaffected by anti-drone weapons, it is claimed.

 The photo below is a computer simulation:

The USS Kearsage is latest vessel to have reportedly had a UFO encounter as the US military begins to open up about the mysterious phenomena.

Documentary filmmaker Dave C. Beaty - who produced 2019 film The Nimitz Encounters about the famous 2004 US Navy encounter with the "Tic Tac" object - revealed the reported sighting from October 2021.

At least two objects are said to have lurked near the 40,500 ton amphibious assault ships for several nights while it was on a training exercise off the east coast of the US.

The phenomena - described by sources familiar with the encounter as odd and menacing "balls of light" - are said to have been following around half a mile behind the ship and around 200 feet above the ocean.

Mr Beaty was contacted by a now retired US Marines officer named only as "Mark" regarding the strange episode.

USS Kearsage had been training at the time ahead of an overseas deployment - including with systems designed to take down enemy drones.

The weapons included anti-drone "Ghostbusters" style backpacks, and systems mounted on vehicles.

Pictures from the ship's public Facebook page reveal they had these capabilities on board at the time of the alleged encounter.

The objects are said to have been spotted by the deck watch at night - who could not gain thermal targeting lock on them. (UFOs never create heat, smoke or noise. Ye Editor)

It is understood the incident was recorded on video by the crew - but this footage has not yet been released.

Marines onboard are said to have believed at first the unexplained objects were part of a surprise training exercise for the new anti-drone weapons.

However, they discovered the countermeasures did not disrupt the objects - which were doing swooping manoeuvres as they followed the ship.

Mark told Mr Beaty that the USS Kearsage radioed command about the objects and were informed the objects were "not ours".

    If these objects turn out to be not man-made and not foreign state actors, we need to be open and address these with academic study, empirical methods, and grant funding to conduct research at the university level
    Dave C. Beaty

The documentarian is now attempting a deeper dive into the event which is the latest UFO incident reported to have been encountered by the US Navy.

Mr Beaty previously revealed deck logs that confirmed a UFO encounter by the USS Kidd - when the destroyer swarmed by at least four unexplained objects in July 2019.

And there has been a step change in recent years, after a the infamous trio of US Navy UFO videos, the "Gimbal", "Go Fast", and "Tic Tac".

The footage stunned the world and remains unexplained - and sparking a new, more mainstream, interest in UFOs.

US officials have now set up a new office in the Pentagon - putting an official reporting structure in place for UFO encounters for the first time in decades.
US Marines had new 'Ghostbusters' style drone busting weapons on the ship

It came after a landmark (lame, not decisive.  Ye Editor) report on the subject was released last summer - confirming dozens of unexplained encounters, now more commonly referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).

Defence insiders, intelligence officials, senators and former presidents have all gone on record admitting there is unexplained something in the skies.

"So what once were UAP sightings that were ignored or never logged, today more service members are reporting them, this leads to the indications that more are being observed," Mr Beaty told The Sun Online.

He added the stigma around reporting these strange events is now breaking down.

Mr Beaty said: "In the past, it was much worse. Officers would actively avoid reporting or speaking about cases of UAP, as the fear of career suicide was very real.

"Also landing a job with a commercial airline after the military was a concern. Not wanting to report or speak about UAP encounters was a given.

"Today it's a bit more relaxed since the UAP Task Force is actively seeking UAP reports and frowning on any stigmatization within the units."

The documentarian also called for
further transparency from the military
on the topic.

"Anything that would expose a military weakness or military capability of course is sensitive, but if these objects turn out to be not man-made and not foreign state actors, we need to be open and address these with academic study, empirical methods, and grant funding to conduct research at the university level," he told The Sun Online.

"While I commend our DoD and officers for handling the collection of data, at some point we need to focus public attention on the mysterious question of what these objects are, that is the ones that have defied prosaic explanation after investigation."