Monday, April 11, 2022

Is Ukraine Really Any More Corrupt than the US Is ?


Carefully  Selected  Paragraphs
by Ye Editor

... "So let's look at corruption over here.  We have a man in the White House who probably didn't win a fair and honest election to get there.  It is beginning to look as though he may have been bought by the Chi-Coms.  He may also have been bought by some corrupt big shots in Ukraine.  His son's laptop is telling tales.

We have doctors in the alphabet soup federal agencies who have instituted policies that caused the deaths of somewhere just south of half a million people.  People who didn't have to die.  People who could have been saved.  These same doctors in high places have destroyed the credibility of the medical establishment.  We have other doctors who are playing the "go along to get along" game.  They probably don't sleep very well at night.

We have politicians who have risen to the occasion and become petty tyrants.  From these tyrants, we have gotten vaccine mandates forcing people who want to keep their jobs and people who want to serve this country in uniform to be injected with experimental substances that have proven not to be vaccines and are not safe and not effective.   

We have a porous southern border crossed routinely by people smuggling deadly drugs and people who are not even being tested for COVID.  We get this policy from the guy who probably was not actually "elected."

... We have a media industry that has fed the citizens propaganda instead of news.  And we have a "social media" (what a stupid name) industry that censors the citizens so that freedom of speech and freedom to exchange ideas have become impossible.

We have an education industry that teaches our young children that they can be any "gender" they want.  And that they have 256 to choose from.  These poor children should hurry up and choose because they are taught that in just a few years, the planet will be uninhabitable.  We have college graduates who are no match for the tradesmen they scorn, the same tradesmen who keep the self-centered graduates alive and comfortable.  Many of these college graduates will never pay off their student loans.  They will vote for any politician who says they shouldn't have to.

In a similar vein, we have a Supreme Court that has ruled that the life-giving compound carbon dioxide is a pollutant."

Author Jerry Powlas has been a naval officer, engineer, and publisher and is the author of Red State Rebellion (published under the pen name Joseph L. Bear).  "Everybody should read this book and tell his friends."  He recently moved from a blue state to a red state where nobody wears masks and everybody has guns.