Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Bioweapons Expert claims US Government funded Bio-labs in Ukraine to make Bio-Weapons for use against Russia

I found this article two days ago, and did some further research before publishing. It's obvious our government is spinning tall tales on this subject, because they keep changing their story! The more one learns about Ukraine, and Zelensky, the less one likes them. It's getting hard to determine whether corrupt Zelensky is better or worse than corrupt Putin. Two losers.
Ye Editor


Carefully Selected Quotes,
by Ye Editor

"According to bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, Russia’s accusation that Ukraine is conducting U.S.-funded bioweapons research appears to be accurate. If true, everyone involved is subject to life in prison under the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.

Francis Boyle, Ph.D., a Harvard educated lawyer and bioweapons expert with a Ph.D. in political science, was interviewed recently about the Bio-Labs in Ukraine, which Russia claims are engaged in U.S.-funded bioweapons research.

For decades, Boyle has advocated against the development and use of bioweapons. In fact, he was the one who called for biowarfare legislation at the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972.

He then went on to draft the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, which was passed unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed into law by then-president George Bush Sr. in May 1989.

While the U.S. has vehemently denied Russia’s accusations, Boyle says that based on what he’s discovered so far, the labs in Ukraine are all conducting biological warfare research — including ethnic-specific biological weapons — at the behest of the U.S. Pentagon, just as Russian authorities are claiming.

“The Pentagon does not do missionary work,” he says. “They kill people, and that’s why they are there.” He also points out that everyone involved is subject to life in prison under the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which explains the mad scramble to project these labs as something other than what they are.

Ever-Changing Narrative Reveals the Lies

As noted by Shroyer, the official narrative surrounding the Ukraine biolabs has undergone multiple iterations over the past few weeks. It began with a flat denial of there being U.S. biolabs in Ukraine.

But within days, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland blew a hole in that denial by admitting before Congress that “biological research laboratories” in Ukraine have been funded and operated under the direction of the U.S., and that she was “very concerned” about the contents of those labs being used as bioweapons by the Russians.

Despite Nuland’s concern about the pathogens being used in warfare, the Western media have tried to claim the labs were set up to destroy bioweapons from the Soviet era, or to “secure” old Soviet bioweapons, or that they’re diagnostic labs, “health labs,” biodefense laboratories, or that they’re used for vaccine development. The story changes depending on who’s telling it.

Boyle doesn’t buy any of it. According to Boyle, the U.S. government and Pentagon have had a “comprehensive policy” in place for quite some time to “surround Russia with biological warfare laboratories” and “preposition biological weapons” there for use against Russia. The U.S. also has these kinds of labs in Central Asia, he says.

No Such Thing as ‘Biodefense’

One of the latest explanations from a U.S. State Department spokesperson is that Ukraine has “biodefense” laboratories, which are “not biological weapons facilities.”1 The problem with making a distinction between “biodefense” and “biowarfare” is that, basically, there is none.

No biodefense research is purely defensive, because to do biodefense work, you’re automatically engaged in the creation of biological weapons.

All dual use research can be used for military purposes, and often is. As explained by Boyle, the idea behind “biodefense” research is that there might be a natural pathogen out there that can cause a pandemic, or someone might release an engineered biological weapon, that we need to prepare a cure for.

But to create the cure — the vaccine — they must first create that imagined threat, be it a souped-up natural pathogen through gain-of-function or a synthetic bioweapon. So, all of this work is “offensive” in that it can be used for military purposes. No biodefense research is purely defensive, because to do biodefense work, you’re automatically engaged in the creation of biological weapons.

So, according to Boyle, the justification that the labs are for biodefense and health purposes is nothing but a façade for the fact that they’re conducting offensive biological warfare research with genetic research, gain-of-function and synthetic biology.

What Drives the Biowarfare Industry?

When asked what the motive behind this kind of research might be, Boyle highlights two potential reasons. First, he says, there’s a global “Nazi cult” that simply does not want to stop. They want to be able to rid the world of certain ethnic groups, hence the focus on DNA-based ethnic-specific weapons.

He points out that the United States is the only country in the world that has not abided by the law to get rid of all its biological weapons. Instead, we’ve been making more, under the guise of biodefense research.

President Reagan put Dr. Anthony Fauci in charge of the U.S. biological weapons program, and he’s been at it ever since. “About 95% of this biowarfare death science has been funded by Fauci, the NIAID and the NIH, since about 1984,” Boyle says.

In previous interviews, Boyle has stated he believes SARS-CoV-2 is an engineered bioweapon, and here, he again reviews some of the reasons why. He points out that Shi Zheng-li, the famous bat coronavirus researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, was trained at the biolab in Galveston, Texas, which is “part of U.S. biological warfare industry.”

    “[Shi Zheng-li] took a synthetic biology organism from the Wuhan BSL4, brought it over to the University of North Carolina, BSL3, and then gave it gain-of-function properties under Ralph Baric, who’s an expert on this, and his team.

    And, by the way, the FDA was involved in this too. Now think about that. The FDA that is approving these Frankenshots that are killing and disabling people was involved in the development of COVID-19. So, they’ve got us on both sides here.

    Likewise, [CDC director Rochelle] Walensky, who can’t get her story straight either, she comes from Harvard Medical School. Harvard Medical School was involved in the development of the COVID-19 biological warfare weapon. Indeed, Harvard was one of the sponsoring institutions of the Wuhan BSL4.

    The chair of the Harvard chemistry department, [Dr. Charles] Lieber, he was over there too, with his own lab specializing in nanotechnology. And Lieber had also worked for the Pentagon.”

The second motivating factor is money. Not only do they make money on the research and creation of these biological weapons, but they also make money on the supposed cures, be they vaccines or therapeutics.

The U.S. is not alone in creating dangerous biological weapons, of course. “The British are also a part of this, the French, the Israelis.  ...

We Must Demand Accountability

... Boyle has taught both criminal law and international human rights law. He also still practices criminal law, both prosecution and defense. According to Boyle, Anglo-American Common Law has a definition for “murder” that is applicable in all states of the U.S. with the exception of Louisiana, and that is “the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.” He explained:

    “Let’s parse that down. The word ‘unlawful’ — all these individuals I just mentioned from this contracted study … were involved in research, development, testing and stockpiling of biological warfare weapons in clear-cut violation of my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.

Many paragraphs on how to fight back using the legal system -- enough for another article -- were deleted.
Ye Editor