Thursday, March 31, 2022

Worth thinking about: Why are the mainstream media, after 1.5 years of censorship, suddenly admitting the Hunter Biden laptop is real and may contain unfavorable information?

I don't have answer yet, but I am certain what the pro-leftist biased media are doing is believed to benefit the Biden Administration, and leftists in general. I know that's obvious, but I don't yet have a specific reason for Hunter Biden being in the news again. Nor have I read one. 

In mid-2019, this blog wrote about Biden family corruption (influence peddling) and quid pro quo extortion (VP Joe Biden with the former President of Ukraine, a crime he actually bragged about on a video, yet was never punished.)

In late 2016, this blog wrote that the Trump Russian Collusion claim was a hoax, and assumed Hillary Clinton and her staff were involved They were trying to deflect attention away from her 33,000 deleted emails (or perhaps many more than 33,000), from her home server after a Congressional subpoena to preserve them. I mentioned at the time that Trump was a "one man band" who colluded with no one.  That was a significant personality fault.  So I knew the claim that Trump colluded with anyone was just baloney.  Many media sources have never apologized for publishing Trump - Russian Collusion claims that were obviously fiction.  And that was over five years ago.