Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Two articles by the same author: Is Russia Doing Poorly in Ukraine & Are economic sanctions hurting the US by pushing Russia and China closer?


What if Russia Only Wants Us to THINK Things Are Going Poorly in Ukraine? They could win quickly if they wanted to.

... Now that we've heard the narratives, I'm even more convinced we're not being told the truth.   

I posted some thoughts on Twitter:  I'll go and say something unpopular that I've been considering for a while... 

What if Russia isn't really doing as poorly in Ukraine as we're being told?

What if they want the world to think the war is going poorly in order to prolong the conflict and draw us in?

    I have a hard time believing Ukraine and their 70 jets are somehow owning the skies.

I have a hard time believing SEVEN Russian generals have been killed.

I have a hard time believing Russia sent in their oldest equipment and least experienced conscripts to win quickly.

Vladimir Putin is an evil man that I have opposed adamantly since long before it was cool.

But I also know he's not an idiot.

Some say he's lost his mind.

I'm not buying that one. 
 This all feels like a setup.

In the age of smart phones, I'm not buying the notion that 30,000 Russian troops have been killed, yet there are oddly few videos or images showing Russian losses.

None of this makes any sense at all. None of it.

If Russia wanted this war to be short, it would have been.

They've withheld using their best weapons.

They've sent in a smidgen of their troops.

This feels a lot like a massive baiting tactic.

Or something worse.
It all seems staged.

    I certainly hope I'm very wrong because that would mean we could get out of this before Biden's handlers push us into war.

But as I said last month, this appears to be Stage Two of The Great Reset rollout. That doesn't bode well for any of us.

... there is nothing logical about anything that's being done on any side of this conflict. I think we're being conned.   

Two interesting comments made about this article:
(1) "Russia is being deliberate so as to minimize civilian casualties. They could have turned Ukraine into a parking lot if they wanted. Believe NOTHING the media tells you."

(2) "Russian war philosophy is quite different from the US. Russia has taken precise surgical strikes on Ukrainian supplies, fuel, arms and foreign shipments of arms to Ukraine. They have gone to extreme lengths to not destroy the infrastructure or civilian populations. They have provided humanitarian corridors, kept electricity up, internet on. Whereas the US would have carpetbagged everything first , destroying the infrastructure and civilian population as they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya.

Russia wants exactly what they said they want and they are doing everything in a manner to accomplish it. They want the Donbas area free from ongoing strikes, as well as Ukraine never being allowed to join NATO. They want Ukraine to be permanently neutral. If they wanted to destroy Kiev, they already would have done so.   I don’t believe anything the mainstream media has said. They continually lie about everything."


China and Russia Were Prepared for the Global Economic Crisis They Prompted the West to Initiate -- They Have Each Other

"When we look at damage being inflicted on the Russian people and businesses by the economic sanctions being placed on them by the West, it’s clear that they’re feeling more pain than we are.

 But as Joe Biden noted, the sanctions are causing food shortages across the globe.

He also said the sanctions would influence Russia in the long-term.
Is he right?

Probably not.

Even though Russians are feeling more of an impact than we are, they are also much more prepared to handle it.

Both Russia and China have four things going for them that the West does not have.

First, they have a history of citizens living in destitution.

President Ronald Reagan used to joke regularly about how bad things were for citizens in the Soviet Union.

Millions of those people are still alive today.

In other words, they’ve experienced the hardships and are more resilient to them than the vast majority of Americans.

The same can be said about China whose people were still suffering through massive poverty just a couple of decades ago.

In other words, they have much tougher skin for this sort of thing while most Americans have never gone a full day without food or water.

Second, they are dictatorships.

Sure, they don’t call themselves dictatorships but the Putin regime and the Chinese Communist Party have nearly absolute control over their nations.

Meanwhile, western nations have elections to consider and people who can hold them accountable.

When turmoil strikes, dictatorships can maneuver more freely even as their people suffer tremendously.

Third, they’ve been preparing for this.

 While the Biden regime was doing great harm to our energy industries with his Green New Deal ambitions, Russia and China were ramping up fossil fuel production.

While we were shipping food everywhere and letting elites like Bill Gates and BlackRock buy up all the farmland, China was storing massive amounts of food and Russia was increasing farm output.

Fourth and most importantly, they have each other.

It’s been clear for a while though few have admitted that this isn’t Russia being isolated from the world. It’s Russia being isolated from the West.

Meanwhile, China stands to have a tremendous and captive trading partner.

Between the two, they will also command great influence with their emerging partners in South America and Africa.

Russia might be getting hit hardest, but they are far better prepared to handle the pressure than we are.

 We’re in the middle of a waiting game in which the West believes the harm they’re doing to Russia is greater than the harm they’re doing to themselves.

What they either don’t know or are pretending not to know is that a Russo-Sino alliance is better prepared and suited to handle the direct impact than we are at handling the indirect impact.

One might even argue that it’s all by design, that the Biden regime and the globalist elites knew exactly what would happen.

If they truly want The Great Reset to become a reality, economic sanctions crippling and dividing the entire world is one way to achieve it.

We may never know if the West was complicit or simply fell into the trap, but it doesn’t really matter at this point.

Either way, we’re in more trouble than we we’re being told.

Simultaneously, Russia and China are in better positions to handle the situation than we are.

Below is an article by Ethan Huff over at Natural News that breaks down the preparedness China has undertaking in recent years for such a moment as this:

China Strategically Developed Contingency Plans
Years Ago to Withstand Economic Sanctions, WWIII

Quote from that article:
   "One country that has not been caught with its pants down amid the current inflationary and food shortage crisis is China, which in the first half of the current crop year alone has accumulated about 69 percent of the world’s corn reserves, 60 percent of rice reserves, and 51 percent of wheat reserves."

A comment made about the article:
  “Never depend on foreign countries to supply our medicines, rare minerals, food, computers, tech support, etc. Anything vital to keeping our Republic safe, Americans healthy, etc. cannot be contracted out to foreign countries.”