Tuesday, March 29, 2022

After Shocking Verdicts on Child Abuse Cases While Delaware's AG, Beau Biden's Foundation took in $3.9 million in 2020 but spent only $544,961 toward helping abused children


"Beau Biden was the Attorney General for Delaware for nearly ten years ending in 2015.  

While in the role some horrible child abuse cases were resolved with lenient sentences.  

Now the Beau Biden Foundation is spending large sums of its donations on employees and not on abused children.  

Why does this come as no surprise?

Beau Biden was AG in Delaware when the heir to the Dupont family was charged with child abuse of his 3-year-old.

He was let off with almost no penalty.  

Delaware Online reported:

    The du Pont family heir who raped his 3-year-old daughter has reached a tentative settlement with his former wife in a sexual abuse lawsuit she filed on behalf of their two children, according to court records…

    …Richards IV, who was originally charged with two counts of second-degree rape with a minimum of 20 years behind bars, pleaded guilty in 2008 to fourth-degree rape of his daughter.

Fourth-degree rape carries no minimum prison time and sentencing guidelines used by judges and prosecutors urge zero to 30 months in prison.  https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/local/2014/06/27/du-pont-heir-ex-wife-settle-child-sexual-abuse-lawsuit/11578711/

Despite the horrible result in the Dupont case, the Beau Biden foundation was created to help abused children.

Unfortunately, only a small portion of the money in that foundation last year went to suffering children.

The Beau Biden Foundation took in millions of dollars in 2020 and only spent a fraction of the money on helping children – while Hunter Biden sat on the board.

The Beau Biden charity took in $3.9 million in 2020 and spent $544,961 toward helping abused children, the New York Post reported."