Sunday, January 23, 2022

Covid questions governments don't want to answer, by Steve Kirsch

I picked good questions from the list.
The full list is at the link below.
Ye Editor

"The most troubling part of the pandemic to me is the lack of transparency and accountability.

The authorities love to create mandates we must follow, but they refuse to be held accountable.
Here’s a list of questions that you can ask your doctor, local, state, and federal lawmakers and health authorities.

I haven’t had any luck getting any of these questions answered on camera so I can share the answers with you.

Perhaps you will have better luck.

There aren’t 100 questions here yet, but there will be when I’m done with this.


Facebook has removed vaccine victim support groups with over 200,000 users. Why was this done? Why didn’t the medical community say a word in protest? How is removing a support group for vaccine injured a benefit to society?


 Why did Steven A. Anderson of the FDA (who is the top person for safety monitoring for these vaccines) duck all my phone calls and emails when I asked if he wanted to see the troubling safety signals in VAERS?

If the State Board removes the license of a physician for “misinformation” and said “misinformation” later turns out to be true, shouldn’t the affected physician be allowed to sue the State Board for treble damages and attorney fees?

Pandemic response

    When we found out the vaccines did nothing to prevent infection, the societal benefit ended at that point. Why didn’t we drop the mandates then?

Vaccine efficacy

    There are over 9 studies that show the vaccines make it MORE likely (not less likely) you’ll be infected from COVID. Did they make a mistake in all 9 studies?

Vaccine safety

    How long until the spike protein is undetectable in people’s blood after vaccination?

    The FDA claims VAERS is high because people are overreporting. This is a handwaving argument. Where is the evidence of this? Every physician I know says the reporting rates are high because the vaccine is more deadly than all other vaccines.

    Why did the Pfizer trial report 24% more deaths in the vaccine arm than the placebo arm? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Why weren’t there autopsies in any of those deaths? How can Pfizer be certain those deaths weren’t caused by the vaccines?

    There are now over 1M adverse events reported in the VAERS system. Using CDC’s methodology, we know VAERS is ~40x underreported. That’s 40M adverse events and > 5,000 conditions that are significantly elevated. How can the CDC not spot a single safety signal (other than myocarditis)?

    Why are there so few autopsies?

    Shouldn’t a 3 year old dying from cardiac arrest just one day after being vaccinated set off alarm bells? Does anyone care?

Early treatment

    Ivermectin has been shown in multiple peer reviewed meta-analysis and systematic reviews to work against COVID. That’s the highest level of evidence based medicine. How can the NIH not recognize that? How can major pharmacy chains deny prescriptions? What actions by the Medical Boards have been taken to revoke the license of all of the rogue pharmacists who have denied these prescriptions and put patient’s lives in jeopardy?

    Why does it take a court order to give ivermectin in the hospital? Why aren’t doctors in hospitals allowed to use their own professional judgment?

Biased news coverage

Why does Jake Tapper use ad hominem attacks against Robert F. Kennedy, but will not debate him? Isn’t this unfair?

    Why is the news coverage of vaccine safety and efficacy so one-sided? Isn’t the news media supposed to report both sides and let the viewers decide?


    Maddie de Garay, who was 12 at the time, was injured in the Pfizer phase 3 trial. She’s paralyzed. She’s now becoming a quadriplegic. Why didn’t the FDA, CDC, or NIH investigate? That’s clinical trial fraud. Why aren’t we telling people that based on the clinical trial, there is a 1 chance in 1,000 your child could be paralyzed too?

    Why was every single early treatment protocol using existing drugs/supplements suppressed by the NIH?

Intimidation tactics

    If doctors are free to practice medicine, then why is only one doctor in California willing to write medical exemptions from the vaccine?


    If you die from the vaccine, many insurance companies won’t pay for it since you opted for an experimental treatment forced by your employer. Is it right for the burden to be on you?

    If the vaccines are as safe and effective as claimed, why do we need mandates?


    Can anyone show a study showing the risk reduction from an N95 mask varies over time within a room? It goes to zero after a short amount of time. What is it?

Social distancing

    Where is the study showing that 6 feet results in a benefit? How does that benefit decay over time?


    Since there is no evidence of asymptomatic spread, why are we testing people who are asymptomatic?

    Since there is no evidence the naturally recovered can infect others, why are we testing these people and requiring them to be vaccinated?


    If the vaccines are safe and effective, then why do the manufacturers need liability protection?"