Sunday, December 26, 2021

"Clinically, Omicron isn’t COVID", by Dr.Ted Noel

This is the best article I read in the past 24 hours.
I have presented carefully selected quotes.
The full article is at the link below:
Ye Editor


... "Delta, and now Omicron, have jumped to the front of the news

... We must use Sutton’s Law and “follow the money.”

For the media, the answer is quite simple.

“If it bleeds, it leads.”
Fear grabs your attention.
So, when the MSM hype “case counts,”
we have classic panic porn.

... hospitals (are) among the largest beneficiaries of government largesse, and loath to give up on the free money.

Massive parts of their income come from government programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

So, when the CARES Act shoved more money at them for every COVID diagnosis, we saw hospitals demanding that every patient be tested.

A minimum of $13,000 for each positive result was too juicy a plum to leave uneaten.

Even now, my friends in active practice report that hospital personnel insist on COVID tests for patients who are admitted with problems unrelated to any infectious disease.

A patient who died of a heart attack in the ER got a nasal swab in the quest for filthy lucre after he died.

... when does the COVID emergency end?

Anyone with an attention span greater than a two-year-old’s realizes that Saint Fauci is constantly moving the goalposts.

... Infinite boosters seem to be the expectations ...

now there's Omicron:

First, mutations happen one at a time.

That’s why Delta, the fourth named variant, has only two mutations on its spike protein.

... viruses in the same family are well known to swap genetic material if they infect the same host.

...If one of the common cold coronaviruses happens to infect a host while its cousin COVID is already there, they can have a good time swapping toys back and forth.

It doesn’t matter whether the host is a person, wild animal, or house cat, the result is the same.

We have a new virus.

Omicron ... has fifty-plus mutations, with thirty plus on the spike.

This means that it did not happen by mutation.

It was assembled during an intracellular key party, most likely between Delta and a common cold virus.

And that explains everything that we’re seeing.

Omicron is sweeping the world like wildfire, as would be expected from lab data that shows it’s five times as good at attaching to the ACE2 receptor as COVID because of its fifteen mutations in the Receptor Binding Domain.

And as of this writing, the CDC website does not list a single death from Omicron.

(with) the common cold, we’d see a rare death here and there, but that’s all.

As of this writing, one death in Texas has been associated with Omicron, but we don’t know if Omicron was the perp or an innocent bystander.

England is reporting seven deaths, for a case fatality rate of 0.03%.

These low mortality rates are reasonable because it’s well understood that the original spike protein caused all the inflammation and blood clotting that killed so many people.

With Omicron’s radically different spike, it’s no surprise that we aren’t seeing massive inflammation, disseminated blood clots, and multiplying cemetery markers with it.

If we define COVID as that highly lethal Chinese missile, then Omicron isn’t COVID.

... With a death rate “statistically indistinguishable from zero,” it’s time to call BS on the panic.

Clinically, Omicron isn’t COVID.

The vaccine for original COVID doesn’t work very well against it and, frankly, isn’t needed, because Omicron isn’t a threat.

... Omicron ... doesn’t leave room for large profits or extended TV appearances."