Saturday, October 23, 2021

Ye Editor's COVID rap

Concerning COVID vaccines:  You won't gain knowledge by hearing only what you want to hear and disregarding the rest. Especially with all the fascist-style censorship these days.

Thinking about the disease and the vaccines, starts with these facts:

COVID 19 in the alpha form had 99.8% of people survive infection who were under age 70. The delta variant appears to have a higher survival rate.

The mRNA vaccines have caused the worst short term side effects of any vaccine in US history

The mRNA vaccines have unknown long term side effects, but assuming those will be mild is not logical -- it would be jumping to a "wishful thinking" conclusion.

The effectiveness of an mRNA vaccines declines faster than any prior vaccine in US history.

Booster shots will be needed every six months (likely for the rest of your life) with the risk of adverse side effects each time.

For the US, with vaccines in 2021, but not in 2020, and with almost all senior citizens vaccinated (the age group much most likely to die from COVID):
----- 2021 COVID deaths through September 2021 ALREADY exceed full year 2020 COVID deaths -- how does that prove vaccine "success"?

Children have more serious medical problems from the vaccines than they do from COVID infections.

People who have recovered from COVID already have strong antibodies -- they only get risk from a vaccine, with no benefits.

Legal drugs that significantly reduce COVID hospital admissions, if taken immediately after positive PCR tests, would have eliminated most COVID deaths -- yet almost all doctors ignore COVID patients until they are so sick they have to check into a hospital -- a violation of their oath.

Censorship of vaccine information and data that contradict the "vaccine is wonderful" narrative prevents informed consent.

The vaccines do not stop infections and spread, so can not cause herd immunity. 


We are very likely going to have to live with COVID for the rest of our lives, just like we live with variants of the 1918 to 1920 swine flu.

Our immune systems will fight off COVID infections almost 100% of the time, and give us strong, long lasting immunity after we are infected.

COVID will mutate into less deadly, and more contagious variants, if it follows the pattern of prior viruses (it is already on that path).

People with compromised immune systems, of any age, should benefit from the vaccines, but sometimes the vaccines will overwhelm compromised immune systems themselves.

The vaccines sometimes overwhelm normal immune systems.