Friday, October 1, 2021

VAERS data released today -- for 2021 COVID vaccine side effects through September 24, 2021

 891,117 side effects reported 
(was 860,916 last week) 

for 752,803 people
(was 726,965 people last week)
including 15,937 deaths
(was 15,386 deaths last week) 

22,342 permanent disabilities
(was 20,789 last week)
and 70,841 hospitalized

Please remember that studies of VAERS estimated that from 90 to 99% (the 99% was a Harvard study) of adverse side effects are never reported.
These are only short term adverse side effects.
No one knows the the long term adverse side effects
It is true that somewhat more people are aware of VAERS than in the past ... but unlike past vaccines, the COVID vaccine is very political.  
I can easily imagine Democrats being reluctant to report adverse side effects. 
Two relatives of mine -- both Democrats -- are people who did have significant side effects. 
One could not go to work for three days. 
They did not report anything to VAERS.