Thursday, October 7, 2021

"Vaccinated Vermont: 75% Of September Covid Deaths Were Vaccinated"


"Vermont Health Department spokesman Ben Truman told the Vermont Daily Chronicle last week that of all Covid-19 deaths in the state for the month of September, “Eight of the 33 deaths were not vaccinated.”

This means about 75% of people who died from Covid in Vermont last month had already received an experimental shot.

Attempting to explain the startling statistic, Truman told the outlet,

“In addition to being more likely to have severe illness and consequences like hospitalizations and deaths,

older Vermonters were among the very first to be vaccinated,

and therefore, have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case, with these more severe outcomes.”

Vermont is the most vaccinated state in America with about 88 percent of citizens age 12 and over receiving at least one shot.

Meanwhile, the hospitalization rate for unvaccinated Vermonters is rapidly dropping while the hospitalization rate for the vaccinated is falling more slowly.

During a Tuesday press conference, Vermont’s Commissioner of the Department of Financial Regulation Mike Pieciak explained the rate of hospital admissions for unvaccinated individuals dropped 30% in a week,

which is more than twice as the 14% decrease in vaccinated citizens.

If this trajectory continues as more states around the country obtain higher vaccination rates,

the US could eventually see mass Covid deaths in vaccinated individuals

that the establishment will undoubtedly blame on variants they say are created by the unvaccinated."

Vermont  Hospitalizations 
per 100,000 people , per day:

Note that these numbers are quite small