Monday, October 4, 2021

SCOTLAND: "What Could It Be? UK Newspaper Reports, “MYSTERY +25% Rise in Heart Attacks from Blocked Arteries”


"The Times of London reported Thursday doctors in Scotland are baffled by a “mysterious” rise in heart attacks stemming from blocked arteries.

Meanwhile, the paper omitted any possible links to the Covid-19 vaccine,

which has been blamed for deaths linked to blood clots throughout the summer,

and which numerous doctors have warned would produce blood clots in a majority of vaccinated people.

From The Times:

    Health experts have been left baffled by a big rise in a common and potentially fatal type of heart attack in the west of Scotland.

    During the summer there was a 25 per cent rise in the number of people rushed to the Golden Jubilee National Hospital in Clydebank with partially blocked arteries cutting blood supply to the heart.

According to NIH’s U.S. National Library of Medicine, “A blood clot may block an artery or vein in the heart” which could affect a number of major organs, including the legs, lungs, kidney or heart.

The paper reports over the summer Golden Jubilee saw a 25 percent rise in NSTEMI, or non-ST segment elevation, myocardial infarctions, or heart attacks.

    The number of so-called STEMI attacks, where there is extensive heart damage, recorded at the Golden Jubilee has remained stable for a decade at about 750 a year.

Yet N-STEMI attacks, where there is less tissue damage but an equal risk of death, have increased over the summer.

In a quote to the paper, Golden Jubilee lead consultant cardiologist Mitchell Lindsay listed off numerous possible causes, but curiously neglected one – the Covid vaccine.

    There is not any evidence that it is as a consequence of any delayed care or missed opportunity.

It is likely to be due to a multitude of factors:
   people being sedentary with lockdown;
people ignoring symptoms
because they do not want
to present at hospital.

There are probably five to ten causes, all linked.

According to Google statistics, 70.3 percent of Scots are vaccinated, with 76.8 percent having received at least one dose.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, users didn’t hesitate to make the correlation between the so-called mysterious heart attack increase and Covid vaccination.

    A rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries.

If only we knew what people have been doing for the last few months so we could study & solve the ‘mystery.’

Oh, if only there was a clear indicator, a huge flashing arrow pointing to the culprit!
    If only.
    — Nat
September 30, 2021

The heart attacks are no mystery to anyone who’s been paying attention to prominent medical doctors who’ve in recent months issued dire health warnings regarding the Covid vaccine.

Perhaps the most distressing warning came from Canadian family physician Dr. Charles Hoffe, who conducted an independent study on his patients and determined that 62 percent had developed microscopic blood clots due to spike proteins contained in the mRNA jab.

Deadly Blood Clots Develop In 62% of People Receiving COVID Vaccine

Dr. Hoffe said the blood clots could lead to high blood pressure in the lungs, from which vaccinated people could develop right-sided heart failure and die within three years.

“The concern is: because these vessels are now permanently damaged in a person’s lungs, when the heart tries to pump blood through all those damaged vessels there’s increased resistance trying to pump the blood through those lungs.”

“So those people are going to develop something called ‘pulmonary artery hypertension’ – high blood pressure in their lungs,

and the concern with that is that those people will probably all develop right-sided heart failure within three years and die because they now have increased vascular resistance through their lungs.”

Time will tell whether Scottish doctors will admit a link to the Covid vaccine if they find that one does indeed exist to these mysterious heart attacks."