Sunday, October 17, 2021

"Replace “Unvaccinated” in the Public Health Orders With “Jew” or “Black” to See What Sort of Society We’ve Become"


"To learn what sort of society we’ve become, simply go through the New South Wales’ public health orders and replace the word “unvaccinated” with “Jew,” “disabled,” or “Black.”

If it sounds like discrimination, that’s because it is.

Example 1 from history:

NSW Public Health Order
(Nazi Germany Edition)

    Subdivision 2 Places of residence

    2.4 Maximum number of persons—places of residence

    (1) If the place of residence of a household is in the general area and no member of the household is a Jewish adult, each member of the household who is over 18 years of age must not allow—

    (a) a visitor who is a Jewish adult to be at the place of residence, or

    (b) more than 20 visitors to be at the place of residence at any 1 time.

    (2) If the place of residence of a household is in the general area and a member of the household is a Jewish adult, each member of the household who is over 18 years of age must not allow a visitor to be at the place of residence.

    (3) A visitor must not be at a place of residence in the general area if—

    (a) the person is a Jewish adult, or

    (b) a member of the household of the place of residence is a Jewish adult, or

    (c) another visitor at the place of residence is a Jewish adult, or

    (d) there are more than 19 other visitors at the place of residence.
    Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order 2021

Example 2 from history: 

NSW Public Health Order
(Jim Crow Southern America Edition)

    Division 5 Coloured adults—additional restrictions

    2.18 Premises closed to Coloured adults

    (1) The occupier of the following premises in the general area must take reasonable steps to ensure that a Coloured adult is not on the premises—

    (a) higher risk premises*,

    (b) business premises that are hairdressers, spas, nail salons, beauty salons, waxing salons, tanning salons, tattoo parlours or massage parlours,

    (c) recreation facilities (indoors),

    (d) public swimming pools,

    (e) information and education facilities,

    (f) retail premises, but not critical retail premises,

    (g) business premises that are auction houses,

    (h) business premises that are betting agencies,

    (i) gaming lounges,

    (j) markets that do not predominantly sell food,

    (k) properties operated by—

    (i) the National Trust, or

    (ii) the Historic Houses Trust.

    (2) A coloured adult must not be on premises referred to in subclause (1) in the general area.

    (3) The occupier of higher risk premises in the general area must ensure that a person who is under 16 years of age and who is a coloured person is not on the premises unless the person is—

    (a) on the premises to carry out work, or

    (b) accompanied by a person who is—

    (i) a member of the person’s household, and

    (ii) not a coloured person.

    *Note: In this clause— higher risk premises means the following—

    (a) entertainment facilities,

    (b) recreation facilities (major),

    (c) hospitality venues,

    (d) nightclubs,

    (d1) sex services premises,

    (d2) strip clubs,

    (e) premises at which a significant event is being held, other than a small funeral or memorial service or small wedding service.

This is today !

2021 -- New South Wales Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order