"Dear School Boards:
When you poke mama and papa bear, don’t be surprised when they growl and bare their teeth.
And writing a letter to the president asking him to sic the FBI on parents rather than treating them as partners in education seems more political than needful.
To understand the gulf between parents and educators, just watch a school board meeting on youtube (if you still can).
You’ll see concerned parents voicing their concerns at microphones.
They look like defendants standing before judges in a tribunal.
What happened to PTAs?
In school board meetings across the nation, parents are treated as opponents rather than partners.
They’re frustrated and angry with imperious school boards who seem to insist that they know what’s best for their children.
At times their anger causes them to raise their voices in passionate speeches.
They love their children and seek to protect them from what they view as indoctrination, not education.
Parental love drives their passion and triggers their protective instincts.
This doesn’t make them domestic terrorists.
If school board members and teachers feel threatened by genuine threats in public meetings or on social media, they should be investigated—by local authorities, not by the federal government.
Yet last week the National School Boards Association (NSBA) wrote a letter to President Biden asking him to direct the Justice Department to investigate angry parents for hate crimes and domestic terrorism.
Domestic terrorism.
Why are parents so angry? Three issues come to mind:
mask mandates,
sex education that includes transgenderism,
and Critical Race Theory.
Mask mandates
Masks (are) ... not necessarily a good option for children simply because, by and large, the virus is not deadly to kids.
In fact, 98-99 percent of children who get COVID fully recover.
With this in mind, by doing a simple risk assessment of masking schoolchildren versus not masking them, we’d conclude that it’s better to let them learn without masks.
Additionally, we simply don’t know the long term adverse effects forced masking has on learning.
Most kids are visual learners and take cues from facial expressions.
Their socialization may also suffer as a result.
Clearly, because educators are more at risk of death from COVID-19, they should continue masking.
Thoughtful parents know their children who do not have preexisting conditions are generally safe to attend school without masks.
Why do school boards and teachers unions continue to push unnecessary and likely harmful mask mandates on children?
For whom are they most concerned with protecting?
If they believe in masking, they should mask up and suck it up.
If they’re still afraid, perhaps they’re not cut out to be educators.
Sex re-education
Teaching children about the birds and the bees is a parent’s job, not a teacher’s.
Sex ed is a family issue, not the state’s.
Can’t it wait until just before puberty, rather than being taught to kids K-5?
Many traditional parents share this opinion.
So is the self-evident truth that binary genders exist in human biology—and in reality.
Parents who embrace this truth and passionately speak up about it are now at risk of being accused of hate speech.
We are born male or female.
No amount of surgery or hormone treatment changes this reality.
Parents know this and also know that confusing kids with fantasy genders and damaging gender reassignment harms them.
Public school educators have more than enough on their plates with teaching reading, writing and arithmetic.
They should leave sex education to parents and resist pressure to push gender nonsense on impressionable children.
Parents are also concerned with the prospect of hormonally-altered boys competing against their girls in sports.
This obviously gives males unfair physically advantages and presents a danger to the health of welfare of overmatched females.
The Journal of Medical Ethics affirmed this reality in a recent study in which the researchers concluded that “the advantage to transwomen afforded by the IOC guidelines is an intolerable unfairness.”
Bad theory
What is Critical Race Theory?
Critical Race Theory (CRT), as defined in a video by the Heritage Foundation, is a philosophy founded on Marxist analysis that claims America is “systemically racist.”
CRT proponents, active in colleges and universities for years, now seek to impact public policy in public schools.
As a result, CRT is beginning to gain a foothold in K-12.
This makes parents angry.
Most parents and some educators and school board members reject CRT’s racial discrimination for equity in favor of equality and opportunity for all— regardless of skin color.
The vast majority of thoughtful and caring parents believe that CRT teaches children to feel guilty for their “whiteness” while accepting the lie that America’s systems are inherently racist.
The 1964 Civil Rights Act dealt a mortal blow to systemic racism in America.
Critical Race Theory ignores this landmark legislation and the fact that racism resides in people, not systems.
Obviously, there a differing definitions of systemic racism held by those on both sides of the issue.
Just as there are differing definitions of “hate speech.”
Perhaps it would be helpful to rely on definitions that are based in logic and common sense rather than emotion and agenda.
In the minds of many parents, Critical Race Theory is nothing more than partisan propaganda.
CRT is harmful because it produces unmerited guilt, divides us and denies the attainability of the American Dream for people of color.
This is not borne out by our nation’s history.
Rather, it’s debunked by generations of immigrants and people of color who came to America legally and made better and more prosperous lives for themselves and their families.
Terrorists or terrors?
To justify their appeal to the president for federal law enforcement support, the National School Boards Association is misapplying words and phrases to vilify angry and frustrated parents.
They’re either seeking to clear obstacles to their agenda and/or they mistake parental passion for peril to themselves.
Have some angry parents (or those who side with them) gone too far with social media attacks and threats?
Does any of this have to do with genuine hate speech or domestic terrorism?
What’s more likely is that words like hate and terror are being misused to trigger more government interference in the lives of parents and their children.
Branding angry parents domestic terrorists is absurd hyperbole at best and political weaponization at worst.
Parents who are merely resisting ideological intrusion into their public schools—and their children’s lives—deserve better.
What we need is an overhaul of a failing public school system and vouchers for charter schools and alternative educational systems like home schooling.
Why should we continue funding increasingly political public schools?
Why should we believe school boards who claim parents are engaging in hate speech, threats of violence, and terrorism
when most seek merely to protect their children by exercising their freedom of speech with passion and conviction?"
Our nation became a circus with Covid in 2020. The news media became the public relations firm of a government that decides what you don't need to know, and how to slant what you do need to know. Blog motto: "Is that true, or did you read it in the New York Times?" ... “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” ... Groucho Marx
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Myths and Lies That Permeate Our Society