Tuesday, October 5, 2021

"Massive March Chants 'F Joe Biden' After NYC Suspends Thousands of Unvaccinated School Employees"


"I wrote previously how the “F Joe Biden” chant made it live to NASCAR.

The media tried to spin it as the crowd chanting “Let’s go, Brandon” — the name of the driver, Brandon Brown, who won the NASCAR Xfinity Series race in Talladega.

Americans then mocked the media, making “Let’s go Brandon” trend on Twitter, and even Brown himself made reference to the chant.

Today, the chant was very much in evidence in the very blue New York City, with a very poignant reason behind it.

The city has required that teachers and school employees receive at least the first dose of a COVID vaccine by Friday or face being fired.

While many gave in to the threats and ended up getting the vaccine, thousands are still unvaccinated and were placed on unpaid leave today and not allowed in the schools.

They also had the option of leaving the DOE and taking severance, according to the NY Post.

Many then joined a protest, with thousands of people protesting outside the Education Department building in Brooklyn and marching across the Brooklyn Bridge.

They chanted
“The system is corrupt,”
“F**k Joe Biden and de Blasio,”
“Hold the line,” and
“We will not comply!”

They also carried signs like “My Body My Choice,”

“We gave everything and now we’re nothing” and

“Choice not Mandates.”

Some also carried Australian flags in a nod to what the people are having to deal with there that is even more severe.

CBS estimated about 8,000 DOE employees remain unvaccinated.

    “I refused to get vaccinated,” said Stefanie Deliteris, a paraprofessional.

    Deliteris is now feeling the consequences of refusing the shot.

    “My husband is a custodian and we have both lost our jobs.

He has worked through the entire pandemic, cleaning every single COVID room,” Deliteris said.

“Now we’re both out of work.

We were essential last year and now we’re just zeroes this year.”

    Thousands of other DOE staff members who won’t get vaccinated feel her frustration.

    “I feel very insulted.

Over seven years, I’ve been working as a teacher and I really love my job.

I didn’t want to leave and I’m being forced to leave because of my choice,” said teacher Michellene Barrett.

That says it all right there.

They’re essential when they serve the narrative and disposable when they do not.

That’s how little their government really thinks of their service and what they bring to the schools."