Sunday, October 3, 2021

"Lights at Bagram Airbase Turned On - Chinese Military Planes Reportedly Seen Landing at Abandoned US Airbase in Afghanistan"


"China military planes reportedly landed at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan.  This is after Biden abandoned the base in its hasty surrender of the country.

For the first time since Joe Biden and General Milley withdrew all US forces from Bagram Air Base and left the Taliban with billions in US military weapons, the lights at Bagram were turned on last night.

Local witnessed several military planes,
reportedly from China, landing and
taking off from the base last night.
— Natiq Malikzada
October 3, 2021

Joe Biden withdrew all US forces from Afghanistan and Bagram Air Base and now China is reportedly landing its planes there.

There has NEVER been a greater military blunder in US history.

The Daily Mail is reporting:
     There have been multiple reports of military planes arriving at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan,

 just hours after images emerged showing that power was restored to the base for the first time since US forces evacuated the stronghold in July.

    Images circulating on social media appear to show the airbase’s floodlights blazing in the distance, amid reports that several military planes have taken off and landed at the base in recent hours.

    Several sources suggest that the aircraft are Chinese, given the Taliban are not thought to possess the expertise needed to power the base or maintain and fly several military aircraft.

The Taliban rejected rumors China was at the former US base:
     #Taliban rejected d rumors that any #Chinese security forces or plane hav arrivd in #Bagram_airbase.
    Taliban’s reaction to rumors came after last night residents of #Bagram district claimed d base’s floodlights lit up after weeks & some Chinese planes with personnel landed.
— Afghanistan Times
October 3, 2021

There are other reports of China meeting with the Taliban.

    Sources in Afghanistan say that Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, who the FBI wants for coordinating terrorist attacks against U.S. and Coalition Forces, has met several times with China’s Intelligence Chief, Chen Wenqing, in Kabul.
    — Tajuden Soroush
October 2, 2021

Meanwhile, the Taliban is rounding up individuals suspected of being attached to the former regime or the US and torturing them.

    دهانش را با دستمال بسته اند و با شلاق بر سر و صورتش می کوبند.
    حقوق بشر کجاست؟
    عدالت کجاست؟
— Anisa.Shaheed
October 2, 2021

Joe Biden is not just destroying the US,
he’s destroying the world."