Saturday, October 9, 2021

"It's Time to Hold Doctors Accountable for Perpetuating Vaccine Lies"


" All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride."
~ Sophocles, ‘Antigone’

... "Let me tell a personal story about hospital care.

A couple of years before the pandemic, I looked over a family member who was a patient in a New York hospital.

 It was a very good hospital — and yes, the surgeons and the primary physicians were amazing and very skilled and probably saved my family member’s life, for which I am very grateful.

But the rest of it was blatantly frightening.

The nurses didn’t follow the basic rules of hygiene, a doctor on duty didn’t know how to turn on a heart monitor, devices didn’t work as designed, one floor didn’t talk to another, and if I didn’t hawk over everything 24/7 making sure no harm was done, God knows what would have happened.

I was in disbelief.

And then when 2020 happened and things got weird, I started researching the state of American medicine in-depth, and wow.

In a 2013 Journal of Patient Safety(4) article, the authors estimated that around 400,000 premature deaths per year were possibly associated with preventable harm in hospitals.

And according to a 2015 article in Consumer Reports,(5)
    “Every year an estimated 648,000 people in the U.S. develop infections during a hospital stay, and about 75,000 die, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

That’s just infections.

Before any COVID.


Come 2020, and under the guise of a “health response,” the expectations for patient and elder dignity were smashed like the windows of expensive stores in SOHO.

Like dignity didn’t matter anymore.

Like the Machine got mad.

Like we were no longer human, and all that mattered was a march toward whatever we were flattening at the time, along with our “old normal” standards.

We’ve heard of elders locked inside the nursing homes like prisoners, completely betrayed by the state (my heart!)

We’ve heard of people practically murdered by ventilator.

We’ve heard of people dying alone without proper medical care.

We’ve heard of bans on physician-prescribed treatments and social media censorship.

We’ve heard of patients forced to hire lawyers6 to be allowed doctor-prescribed medications — which fortunately seemed to help in their case.

There was so much strangeness and abuse that it will take many history books and many mothers’ screams to describe it after the fact.

But sure, we are in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” and the blame is on the ignorant peasants and their horse dewormer.

... Last year, in an explosive interview, the whistleblower nurse Erin Marie Olszewski(7) talked about the horrors she’d witnessed at the famous Elmhurst Hospital in New York in spring 2020.

In a normal world, there would have been a massive public outcry, a big investigation, a call for truth.

But her story was met with the sound of crickets in the mainstream media. It was almost as if it was not about our health…

Did people’s hearts turn into stone?

Not only was there no investigation into the reported horrors, what eventually developed was an effective gag order on doctors and scientists whose independent medical opinion went against the official #science.

Evidently, there is only one science now — #thescience.

#Thescience is always correct, and anyone who disagrees with it is a spreader of dangerous misinformation.

A little stalinesque but hey.

Speaking of gag orders, this past summer, the Federation of State Medical Boards warned that “physicians and other healthcare professionals could be at risk of losing their medical licenses

if they spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on social media, online and in the media.”(8)

And as we have it today, there is no way for an unsuspecting starry-eyed patient to know if his physician’s advice is based on said physician’s actual medical opinion or his fear of losing his job.

It is as if we are in a town of betrayers, and only the brave ones have the courage to speak the truth!

I’d like to end the story with an interview with Dr. Venu Julapalli,(9) a brilliant, loving Texas physician who is suing the Medical Staff at the Houston Methodist Hospital over the way they forced the vaccine mandates.

And just like Dr. Julapalli says in the interview, there is no medicine without love, and “COVID measures” were merely a catalyst in a long-standing war on independent physicians’ sovereignty.

To that I would add that it is also a war of the Algorithm on the right of our beautiful and powerful subjectivity to exist.

If that war is lost by the people in the field of medicine, it is the patients who will ultimately pay the price for the loss of doctors’ sovereignty.

All patients: vaxxed, unvaxxed, right, left, white, black, and everyone in-between — even those who like to scold “conspiracy theorists” right now.

The latter may be cool with whatever is demanded of them this second but there may come a day, after mental health booster number seventy-five.

So yes, the bulldozer is pushing like mad, and we are in the middle of a battle.

It is a battle of our subjective, strong, and beautiful hearts against the Machine."