Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Ye Editor's Two Cents on COVID Data Accuracy

 Please don't quote COVID statistics with the impression that they are anywhere close to being accurate.

The lying and exaggerations about COVID and the vaccines should make you NOT trust the data.

COVID data make climate data seem accurate !

I know it is not simple to study data accuracy.
And even tougher to estimate the "right numbers",

People are quick to claim to be COVID "experts", but very reluctant to say "we don't know that".

The PCR test with a CT of 35x or higher was used in 2020, when it was well known that high CT would create a lot of false positives -- usually people with no symptoms.  

The CDC recommended CT to be reduced to 28x in Spring 2021, but ONLY for vaccinated people !

Prior to 2019, people with no symptoms were NOT claimed to be a "case" of any respiratory disease. 

That changed in Spring 2020.

Many hospitals do a PCR test for COVID (such as Veteran's Administration hospitals) on every patient who comes in, for any reason.

1/4 or more VA hospital "COVID hospitalizations" were for people who came to those hospitals for reasons other than COVID, had no COVID symptoms, and then may have had a false positive from a PCR test ...

... or they had such mild COVID symptoms they didn't even realize they had a COVID infection (in addition to whatever sent them to the hospital in the first place).

For deaths prior to 2020, a person in a nursing home who got influenza, or pneumonia, and then died, would NOT have influenza or pneumonia listed as the cause of their death on their death certificate.

They would have had heart disease listed as the cause of death, or whatever disease sent them into the nursing home, with influenza or pneumonia listed as a contributory factor, if listed at all.

That all changed in Spring 2020 for COVID.  

Suddenly COVID was listed as the cause of death, and heart disease was the contributory factor.

On the COVID vaccines, the record keeping is even worse.

For people who get a two injection vaccine, three weeks apart: 

   They are considered unvaccinated until two weeks after the second vaccination ... which could be five weeks after the first shot.  

So any hospitalization or death in that five week period, from COVID, or from vaccine side effects, would be counted as an "unvacinated" hospitalization, or unvaccinated death.

For the VAERS database of adverse side effects voluntary submissions, the most favorable study claimed 90% are never reported (A Harvard study said 99% were never reported):

The short term adverse side effects for COVID vaccines are unprecedented -- the worst in the history of US vaccines, by far.

The long term adverse side effects are unknown ... but anyone expecting mild long term adverse side effects, after the short term adverse side effects "disaster", is performing wishful thinking.

Having spike proteins in your body is bad news.
That's why getting a COVID19 infection is bad news.

The mRNA vaccines trick your body into creating spike proteins. In my opinion, that is asking for long term medical problems.

It could take years to discover long term adverse side effects.

That's why most vaccines take 5 to 15 years to develop, and 99% are failed experiments.

The "nine month" COVID vaccines did NOT follow a standard testing procedure.

So adverse side effects beyond two months were unknown at emergency use release.

Then we have the unprecedented fast decline of vaccine induced-antibodies, that may require a booster shot as often as every six months. 

In a few years, a "fully vaccinated" person will most likely have taken far more than two shots. 

In my opinion, the more shots taken, the higher the probability of getting long term adverse side effects.   

The current COVID Delta variant in 2021 is less deadly than COVID was in 2020 ... but even in 2020, 99.8% of people under age 70 survived a COVID infection.

Vaccine manufacturers can not revise vaccine formulas faster than the COVID virus mutates.

The result will be much lower vaccine effectiveness than the claimed 95%.  

Perhaps in the 40% to 60% range, like typical influenza vaccines?

This adds up to:
 "You can't trust the COVID numbers" 

... and the unprecedented censorship of information does NOT improve accuracy of COVID data available in the mainstream media.