"This week, we celebrate our 12th anniversary of Vaccine Awareness Week. In this video, Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)
— which will celebrate its 40th anniversary as an organization in April 2022
— summarizes some of the high and low points we’ve experienced over the past year.
“It’s really kind of surreal for me to watch what has unfolded since the winter of 2020,” Fisher says.
“In the 1990s, I predicted that the day would come when we would not be able to function in society unless we had received every government recommended vaccine.
I didn’t exactly understand how they would get there.
Well, now we know how they got there, and it’s like living my worst nightmare, which I thought my children and grandchildren would be grappling with after I was long gone.
Instead, I’m here to witness it and it’s very disturbing.
But within this difficult challenge, we also have opportunity, because I truly think that what they’ve done has completely changed the public’s view of public health officials and of public health policy in general.
And I don’t think they’re going to recover — perhaps ever — but certainly not for a long, long time.
The perception is that the public has not been told the whole truth about how this virus came about, and about the way in which they [need to] handle it.
Certainly, if you look at it, you see that psychological warfare has been used to create such fear and anxiety in the minds of so many people that they were willing to give up fundamental civil liberties in order to feel safe, [but it’s] an illusion of safety …
I think they have overreached, because they are zealots in saying that everyone should get all these vaccines in order to keep the public safe.”
Growing Understanding of Vaccine Dangers
According to Fisher, polls show two-thirds of Americans do not want COVID shot mandates.(1)
They do not want to be required to show a vaccine passport in order to participate in society, enter a restaurant or a store, hold a job or go to college.(2)
“There is definitely not an appetite in this country for mandatory use of this COVID-19 vaccine,” Fisher says.
[People are] starting to understand that vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission.
The entire mandatory vaccination system has been built on the myth that if you get vaccinated, you cannot get infected and transmit the infection to other people.
The truth is that vaccine-acquired immunity is often very temporary and sometimes you don’t get it at all.
~ Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC
An estimated 25% to 30% of health care workers and medical doctors are even refusing the COVID shot.(3
As noted by Fisher,
“That’s quite significant, considering they’re the ones who have been taking care of these [COVID] patients in hospitals.”
Importantly, over the past 18 months, the number of people asking questions about vaccine safety has grown significantly.
“We’ve been talking about these issues
— vaccine ineffectiveness, leaky vaccines, as well as vaccine safety issues —
for nearly 40 years,” Fisher says.
“So, these issues aren’t just relevant for COVID.
I’m hoping that this conversation is going to widen to taking a critical look at the entire mass vaccination system that is the centerpiece of public health policies around the world.”
In the early 1980s, when the NVIC first started, there was no information at all for the public about vaccine risks.
Doctors never discussed it, so parents knew nothing.
Of course, doctors were not educated on vaccine risks either, so the ignorance was spread equally among medical professionals and lay people.
Awareness about dangers has increased more or less in tandem with the expansion of the childhood vaccination schedule.
“When I came into this work, it was seven vaccines we were giving our children,” Fisher says.
“Tetanus, the DPT shot, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and oral polio vaccine.
That was it. That’s all the children got.”
Today, children receive 72 doses of 16 different vaccines by the age of 18.
The catalyst for the explosion of added vaccines in the early 1990s was the partial liability protection Congress gave vaccine manufacturers in 1986 under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
The movie, “1986: The Act,”
released in 2020 explains how the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) came about, and the ramifications of it.
Fisher, who is featured prominently in the film, explains:
“That law was passed in November of 1986.
I and other parents of DPT vaccine injured children worked on that law with Congress.
They basically told us they were going to protect these companies from liability.
We could either come to the table and argue for what we thought the children should get, or not come to the table, but they were going to pass the law.
We came to the table and did the best we could.
We were just a young group of parents against the pharmaceutical industry, the medical industry and the government,
that all wanted to take total liability away from these manufacturers and the doctors.
We managed to get that law to not protect the doctors.
When that law was passed, the doctors were still liable for medical malpractice when it came to vaccines harming a child.
The companies were also still liable for design defect.
What they got off on was failure to warn.
This is what people just don’t understand.
They [the vaccine manufacturers] were still liable in a civil court of law.
And what did [Congress] do? In December 1987, in the dead of the night, an amendment was added to an omnibus budget bill …
that completely let all the doctors and vaccine providers off the hook in a civil court of law.
In hearings in 1987, companies begged Congress to give them full liability protection and Congress wouldn’t do it.
They only gave the doctors full liability protection.(4)
Our unique contribution to that law was the safety provisions: informing, recording, reporting safety provisions.
VAERS is the result of what we did in insisting that there be a centralized vaccine adverse event reporting system that parents and the public could report to, as well as the doctors.
This is a one-of-a-kind vaccine adverse event reporting system [VAERS], and why we know today that more than half a million COVID vaccine reactions have been reported by the public, by doctors around this country
and in other countries that use the Pfizer, Moderna and the Johnson & Johnson vaccines.
There’ve been more than [13,600 deaths following COVID vaccination as of August 20, 2021, and more than 55,820 post-COVID shot hospitalizations(5) reported to that system.”
(15,386 deaths and 66,456 hospitalized, as of September 17. Ye Editor)
The Destruction of the NCVIA
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 also requires doctors to provide parents with written vaccine information before their children are vaccinated.
Originally, these information statements were thick booklets full of information.
But after the law was passed, the Department of Health and Human Services gutted the vaccine safety provisions, reducing that vaccine information statement down to a single sheet of paper.
“They took out a lot of information that should be given to parents,” Fisher says.
“They gutted the compensation provisions.
So, today, almost no child qualifies for compensation under that law.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the law was when it was passed is not anything like the law we see today.”
Then, in 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court sided with Wyeth in a DTP vaccine injury case (Bruesewitz v Wyeth)(6) in which the prosecutor argued the vaccine injury was the result of a design defect (failure to make a product safer).
Wyeth could have made the DPT vaccine safer, and they didn’t do it.
The Supreme Court majority claimed the legislative history was clear — that Congress intended that vaccine manufacturers should have no liability for FDA licensed and CDC recommended vaccines.
This was in fact the complete opposite of what the legislative history shows.
Two of the Supreme Court judges, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Sonia Sotomayor, wrote a brilliant dissent,
stating that the legislative history does not show that Congress wanted to give the companies complete liability protection.(7)
The film, “1986: The Act,” dispels the myths surrounding this law, clearing up the many confusions about what the law was initially intended to accomplish.
Unfortunately, the misinterpretation and gutting of the NCVIA opened the proverbial flood gates to more vaccines being mandated for children.
“There’s not been one vaccine that has been created by the pharmaceutical industry and endorsed by government that has not eventually been mandated,” Fisher says.
“And what they’re trying to do during this pandemic is set the stage for every adult to also be required to get every government-endorsed vaccine.
It is a public/private partnership between the pharmaceutical industry and government, and it’s dangerous.
When I came into this work, there was somewhat of a firewall between the pharmaceutical industry and government.
They’re now one and the same, and Pharma calls the shots at the FDA, the NIH and the CDC. That’s just the plain truth of it.”
The PREP Act
While the U.S. Supreme Court granted vaccine makers blanket immunity for childhood vaccine-related injuries by the Supreme Court in 2011,
the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act passed by Congress in December 2005(8) added yet another layer of liability protection for the industry.
After 9/11, Congress and the pharmaceutical industry got together and passed BioShield legislation.
This federal legislation was based on the idea that weapons of mass destruction could be used against the United States, necessitating protective legislation to respond to “pandemic or bio-terrorism emergencies.”
Of course, the weapons of mass destruction were never actually found but, still, Congress in partnership with the pharmaceutical industry passed BioShield legislation.
The PREP Act is part of that legislation.
The PREP Act has to do with declared public health emergencies such as pandemics, and includes a separate mechanism for compensation when the injury occurs from a pandemic-related medication or vaccine.
The PREP Act compensation mechanism was reconfirmed by Congress in the spring of 2020, and again in March 2021(9) in regard to COVID-19.
While the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act-related compensation mechanism has been fatally compromised with Congressional amendments and federal agency rule making over the years,
the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) under the PREP Act is even worse.
It’s so bad, if you’re injured by a vaccine used under a public health emergency declaration, there’s virtually no hope of compensation.
Imagine surrendering to all the pressure of losing your job and getting the jab, only to get so sick you generate over $1 million in hospital bills.
It sounds outrageous, but this has in fact happened to many.
They have zero recourse and in most cases have to declare bankruptcy, while the vaccine companies can continue to ravage the public treasuries without ANY liability or responsibility.
It’s beyond reprehensibly criminal, but they are getting away with it.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, “The Real Tony Fauci,” which comes out in November 2021, goes into far greater detail
as to just how this BioShield legislation is really nothing more than a gaming of the system,
essentially allowing drug companies to capture hundreds of billions of dollars from the federal government, (really you, the taxpayer).
It’s all a massive money and power grab.
Fauci himself, who is definitely one of the cores of this whole nightmare, is responsible for having allocated probably over $1 trillion in federal funding to researchers, principal investigators
that are intimately and ultimately tied to pharma, over the 37 years he’s presided as director of the NIAID.
His budget for fiscal year 2021 alone is $6.5 billion.(10)
The patents they created generates royalties to them.
It’s a nightmare dystopia of raping the public from the federal treasury.
‘Colossal Mismanagement of a Pandemic’
From the beginning, health authorities have been neglectful when it comes to the treatment of COVID-19.
They’ve even actively prevented safe and effective treatments from being used.
In the interview, Fisher describes her own experience with COVID-19:
“I had COVID in December of 2019.
I had a fairly difficult course with it for 10 weeks into the end of February of 2020.
Of course, I didn’t know what I had, but it was not a fun experience,
and I was left with long-COVID that lasted 16 months until a functional medicine doctor who tested me found that the COVID had reactivated a [latent] Epstein-Barr infection.
She prescribed a short course of appropriately dosed ivermectin, and I had an amazing reduction in my symptoms, which included cardiac symptoms that had been diagnosed by a cardiologist.
So, I had all the classic symptoms of COVID and I had a classic course of long-COVID, yet I didn’t know that I could have used ivermectin months ago to help me get through.
My energy shot up after that ivermectin and I stopped having to sleep 12 hours a day.
My cardiac symptoms were significantly reduced.
It was like I got my life back.
Yet the government has gone after doctors who have urged people to get vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, ivermectin(11) and these other licensed drugs that are safe and have been around forever.
The government actively discouraged people from doing things that could have helped them recover.
This is so wrong on so many levels. It’s a colossal mismanagement of an outbreak.”
Of course, there are indications that it wasn’t really inadvertent mismanagement but, rather, a strategic and carefully orchestrated plan to implement the Great Reset.
“A couple of months ago, I went to the website of the World Economic Forum and what comes up?
The Great Reset.(12)
I could not believe what I was reading.
It’s completely transparent, how they want to reset the entire world’s economy,” Fisher says.
The ultimate “public health authority” is of course the World Health Organization,
and the No. 1 funder of the WHO is Bill Gates, as he provides funding not only through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation but also GAVI.
This financial leverage gives Gates a disproportionate amount of power over public health globally
and, of course, we know that his primary goal is to expand the use of vaccines.
At the same time, Gates is also a major Big Tech player, which is the central enforcer of censorship.
By censoring one side of the discussion, Big Tech is responsible for making informed consent impossible.
Growing Awareness That Vaccines Don’t Prevent Infection
The good news is that the COVID situation is waking people up not only to the potential dangers of these novel mRNA injections,
but also to the problems and fallacies associated with all the conventional vaccines.
They are starting to recognize these injections are not as harmless or as effective as they have been purported to be.
That is one of the silver linings of this entire mess.
“[People are] starting to understand that vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission,” Fisher says.
“The entire mandatory vaccination system in this country has been built on the myth that if you get vaccinated, you cannot get infected and transmit the infection to other people;
that you have vaccine-acquired immunity that is robust and contributes to herd immunity.
The truth is that vaccine-acquired immunity is often very temporary and sometimes you don’t get it at all.
And really, herd immunity is more based on natural immunity …
So, the term ‘immunization’ really should never be used anymore.
These COVID ‘vaccines,’ the government has now acknowledged, cannot reliably prevent infection and transmission.(13)
This is a game-changer, if people will really get their arms around it.
And so, I am glad that has come out.
I’m also glad that we’re seeing people around the world stand up and fight for their freedom.”
The Fight for Medical Autonomy and Freedom
Since the start of the COVID pandemic, the NVIC has encouraged people to work within the system, to go to your state legislators and have personal conversations with them.
NVIC created model state legislation at the beginning of this pandemic, because they knew the end game would be mandatory COVID vaccination.
So far, 21 U.S. states have passed legislation that restrict or prevent COVID vaccine mandates or COVID vaccine passports.
Several state governors have also issued executive orders to the same effect.
These successes show us that we should not lose complete faith in the system just yet.
It’s broken, yes, but the answer is not to give up but, rather, to get personally involved.
We need freedom-loving, rational people to get involved at every level of government, Fisher says:
“That means your school board, your county boards, city councils, your state legislatures.
At the local level, you can really make a difference.
Talk to your neighbors, talk to your community, give them the information that’s produced by NVIC and by mercola.com.
Give them factual information backed up with references, and try to change the conversation in your community.
Also, we have to change bad laws so that we won’t have to feel this oppression that we’ve felt for almost two years …
I’ll just point out, there’s a page on the CDC website that basically talks about quarantine camps(14)
and being able to detain citizens should they feel that they need to be protected from the rest of society, or the rest of society protected from them.
This is a very serious constitutional issue.”
As explained by Fisher, the federal government could also invoke its authority over interstate commerce and prohibit unvaccinated people from flying from one state to another that way.
There’s already legislation introduced in Congress proposing this.(15)
So, even though 21 states have enacted laws against the requirement of vaccine passports, we’re not out of the woods yet.
The freedom to travel can still be stripped from us in a variety of ways, and we must fight to block all of them.
FDA’s Approval of the Pfizer COVID Shot
August 23, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted full approval(16) to the COVID-19 mRNA injection developed by Pfizer/BioNTech,
sold under the brand name Comirnaty, for use in people aged 16 and older.
It’s the fastest approval in history,(17) and is based on just six months’ worth of data from 44,060 people.(18),(19)
Half of them got the shots and half initially received a placebo.
However, in the second week of December 2020, Pfizer unblinded the control group and 93% of controls opted to get the real injection(20)
rather than remain in the control group for the remainder of the trial, which is slated to continue for another two years.
In other words, there’s no control group left against which to compare side effects and effectiveness.
The FDA was expected to hold a public meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC)(21) and allow for public and expert input before the first COVID-19 vaccine was formally licensed.
For transparency and full public disclosure of vital scientific information, this meeting should have taken place before approval
because COVID-19 vaccines are the first to ever have been distributed to the US population under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
In response, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) filed a lawsuit(22) August 31, 2021, against the FDA and its acting director, Dr. Janet Woodcock, for this mess.
On its website, CHD says:
“CHD argues that the licensure was a classic ‘bait and switch,’ allowing Pfizer, the Biden administration, the U.S. military and employers to exhort people to take ‘licensed’ vaccines
when in fact the vaccines available and being administered continued to be the Pfizer-BioNTech Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccines …
… the FDA violated federal law when it simultaneously licensed Pfizer’s ‘Comirnaty’ vaccine and extended Pfizer’s EUA for its vaccine that has the ‘same formulation’ and that ‘can be used interchangeably …
The law (21 U.S. Code § 360bbb-3-(3)) on ‘authorization for medical products for use in emergencies’ requires the EUA designation be used
only when ‘there is no adequate, approved and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing or treating such disease or condition.’
The lawsuit alleges once the FDA approved and licensed Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine,
there was no further basis for the FDA to preserve the EUA status for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that Pfizer acknowledges has the ‘same formulation’ and is ‘interchangeable.'”
As explained by Fisher, in order to receive Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA, vaccine makers had to show their COVID jabs were more than 50% effective at preventing serious symptoms of COVID-19 disease.(23)
They were not required to demonstrate that the shots prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection or that it prevents transmission of the virus.
“So the bar was set very low at the very beginning for the Emergency Use Authorization,” she says.
“If you look at the rhetoric the CDC uses, you can see they’re always talking about prevention of hospitalization and death.
This is not what people think happens when you get a vaccine.
We have been carefully taught to believe that when we get vaccinated, we will not get infected and we won’t transmit that infection to other people.”
Many Vaccines Don’t Prevent Infection or Transmission
The problem is, many vaccines don’t work the way we’ve been told.
Take the pertussis vaccine, for example.
According to Fisher, there’s ample evidence that you can be vaccinated against pertussis and still transmit the infection, including asymptomatically.(24),(25)
The same thing has been shown for measles,(26) mumps,(27) influenza(28) and chickenpox(29) vaccines.
“That’s why I said that this is an opportunity to educate people about what vaccination really means,” Fisher says.
“It’s also an argument for why [COVID] vaccines should not be mandated.
In this case, it’s a biological pharmaceutical product that has never been made like this.
This is an entirely new technology.(30)
It is truly an experiment on the human race, because they did not do the kind of science that they should have done to get Emergency Use Authorization.”
Dr. Peter McCullough, an epidemiologist and cardiologist who is very familiar with medical research protocols, has pointed out that none of the COVID injection trials has data safety monitoring boards.
It appears standard safeguards were intentionally eliminated for the rapid rollout of these shots and to eliminate any public outcry because the incriminating data are simply not being collected.
How convenient.
Actually, it is a clever strategy to achieve their goals and they are getting away with it,
because those in authority do not have the courage and boldness of physician scientists like McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA technology.(31)
We need 10 times more of these types of brave souls to stick their necks out, as they have the credibility to actually make a difference. We just need enough of them to take a stand.
Had proper monitoring boards been in place, McCullough believes the vaccination campaign would have been stopped by late January 2021,
because of the high number of suspicious deaths that had occurred by then.
There’s also the possibility of these shots causing antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), which is a big concern for the future.
As you might expect, this has been an unusual year, and virtually nothing has been routine.
This year, NVIC was removed from three of the four major social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter)(32)
after NVIC held their groundbreaking online Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 2st Century in late 2020.33 Fisher says:
“This year, so many people have been contacting us.
We have a counseling service and we help people, families, who are going through a vaccine reaction or who are asking for information …
Our weekly Vaccine Reaction newsletter has seen an almost 50% increase in subscribers, and this shows you that people are thirsty for this information. ... "
Sources and References:
- 1 Kaiser Family Foundation. Aug. 11, 2021
- 2 Politico/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. July 2021
- 3 Forbes August 5, 2021
- 4 National Vaccine Information Center. NVIC Position Statement: National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. May 2018
- 5 MedAlerts.org
- 6 SCOTUS February 22, 2011
- 7 National Vaccine Information Center. Feb. 23, 2011
- 8 Health Resources Services Administration. Dec. 30, 2005
- 9 PREP Act and COVID-19: March 19, 2021
- 10 NIAID — Fauci
- 11 Journal of Antibiotics. Ivermectin. 2020
- 12 World Economic Forum. The Great Reset
- 13 NPR. July 30, 2021
- 14 CDC. Interim Operational Considerations July 26, 2020
- 15 H.R. 4980. Introduced Aug. 8, 2021
- 16 FDA.gov BLA Approval Pfizer/BioNTech August 23, 2021
- 17 The Defender August 23, 2021
- 18, 20 The BMJ Opinion August 23, 2021
- 19 Pfizer medrRxiv. July 28, 2021
- 21 FDA. Vaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC)
- 22 The Defender September 1, 2021
- 23 FDA. June 2020; Pg 14
- 24 Fisher BL. Pertussis Microbe Outsmarts the Vaccine
- 25 Fisher BL. The Pertussis Vaccine Blame Game. NVIC Sept. 12, 2018
- 26 Fisher BL. NVIC May 25, 2019
- 27 CDC. August–October 2019. June 5, 2020
- 28 Fisher BL. Getting a Flu Shot No Guarantee It Will Work. NVIC Feb. 21, 2017
- 29 Tugwell BD et al. Chickenpox outbreak in a highly vaccinated school population. Pediatrics 2004
- 30 Bloomberg News. Aug. 11, 2020
- 31 Linkedin Robert Malone
- 32 Attkisson S. CENSORED The Vaccine Reaction Mar. 14, 2021
- 33 Fisher BL. Vaccination and Censorship: The Truth Will Set Us Free. Jan. 26, 2021