Thursday, September 30, 2021

"Biden's 3.5 Trillion Infrastructure Package Includes Plan That Would Give Him The Ability to Fine Companies up to $700,000 If They Don't Follow His Federal Vaccine Mandate"


"The Democrats have packed the $3.5 Trillion ‘infrastructure’ bill just about with every single item on their radical policy agenda.

Only a fraction of the entire bill is going to be used on infrastructures like roads and bridges.

Instead, the package is essentially a trojan horse of leftist anti-American radicalism – It is being used as an all-encompassing excuse to cram through the left’s Marxist ideology that has failed to gain any significant traction with the American public.

Even the most inconspicuous parts of the bill can carry massive ramifications, especially when Biden imposes new restrictions and mandates.

In fact, Democrats have included language that would strengthen Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate for private businesses with over 100 employees.

The enforcement mechanism that is included in the massive infrastructure package would enable the federal government to issue fines of up to $700,000 to businesses that don’t follow the federal mandate by forcing their employees to be vaccinated.

The vaccine enforcement clause, Buried on page 168 of Biden’s 2,465 “Build Back Better” spending bill, would permit a massive 10x increase in fines for employers who “willfully and repeatedly” violate workplace hazard laws that include now Covid-19 mandates.

The massive fines are only possible because the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published an emergency update to workplace regulations this summer that added Covid-19 to the list of hazards.

Now, thanks to that addition and the wording of the ‘infrastructure’ package, instead of a $14,000 fine for businesses – which was the amount that was announced with Biden’s federal mandate – the total could be as much as 50x higher for each rule-breaking instance.

To put that in perspective:
   for a company with 100 employees, if just 50 are unvaccinated, they could be fined as much as $35 Million for violating the mandate.

In other words, if this bill is enacted into law, the radical-left federal government could easily bankrupt any company of this size whose employees are not vaccinated

– A horrifying scenario to say the least.

According to the Daily Mail:
    “The rise in fines included in the new bill formulates the latest part of the President’s drive to get 100 million employees across the federal government and the private sector vaccinated.

    A senior [Biden] administration official described it as an ‘aggressive, comprehensive’ plan to fight Covid as part of their mission to ‘vaccinate the unvaccinated.’

    ‘It’s simple – if you want to work for the federal government, you must be vaccinated.

If you want to do business with the government, you must vaccinate your workforce,’ the senior administration official said.”

These psychopaths are willing to destroy people’s livelihoods in order to force them to take the experimental vaccine, where do they draw the line?

Do they even have a line?

Every indication so far is no they wouldn’t.

There has been no indication of when the House of Representatives plans to vote on the infrastructure package, which would send it to the Senate.

Expectations are that it will be sometime during the beginning of October but it has faced repeated delays.

No matter when the vote takes place, one thing is certain – it must not pass.

All it will accomplish is a solidification of this oppressive tyranny.

Every single Republican needs to vote no on this poisonous spending plan, or else Americans will be paying the price for decades to come. "