Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Ye Editor's two cents on the Afghanistan August 31 withdrawal "deadline"

Due Diligence: 
I was against invading Afghanistan for regime change 20 years ago, based on advice given to the US by the Russians, who were defeated there. The Russians were right. We did have the need to send US Special Forces to the Eastern mountains of Afghanistan where Bin Laden was hiding. The Taliban did not control that area in 2001. When our bombs started falling there, Bin Laden escaped to Pakistan for the next 10 years.  We paid the Pakistanis to look for him, so they pretended to look for him for 10 years ... and trook our money !
Ye Editor

You know that you have lost a war when the enemy sets the withdrawal deadline!

To get the US military forces and their equipment out of Afghanistan will require a minimum of two or three days. Two days would require leaving equipment behind -- we have already left far too much equipment behind in Afghanistan.

Therefore, only five to six days remain to evacuate civilians, before the military will have to abandon them, and get out of there themselves.  

The ONLY good news is most of the US media is covering this fast moving story in a fair and balanced manner, for the moment -- very rare in recent years. So I don't need many articles here on Afghanistan.

But the US media have had little coverage of the 3,000 to 5,000 Christian Afghans who need to get out. They will be tortured by the Taliban to reveal the names of fellow Christians. The Taliban have promised to kill all Christians who had converted from Muslims, by dousing them with gasoline and setting them on fire. Glenn Beck's Nazarene Fund has raised $28 million in the past few days to charter planes to rescue Christians. About 750 have escaped on two flights so far as of this morning.

Observing the difficulty of evacuating the Kabul metropolitan area quickly, I have to assume US citizens and Afghans at risk who located far from from Kabul, are in big trouble.  The US had a huge Air Force base in Afghanistan, that could have been used to help them ... but dementia Joe Biden abandoned it. He is a fool.

Richard Greene
         Ye Editor
Bingham Farms, Michigan
BS  State University of New York, at Albany
MBA  Stern School of Business, at New York University
TBW   (Trained By Wife)