Friday, July 23, 2021

"Why Did Georgia Mail Out 7 Million Ballots in 2020 Election When the State Only Had 5.6 Million Registered Voters?"


"Has anyone asked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger how the state could mail out 1.4 million more ballots in the 2020 Election than there were registered voters?

We reported in December 2020 how the results in Georgia made no sense. ...

... Five Months Since the Election, Georgia Still Lacks Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation on 355,000 Votes (Most All Likely for Joe Biden)

But today we can report that the state sent out more than a million more ballots in the 2020 Election than the state had registered voters.

The number of ballots mailed out in the state of Georgia was over 7 million.  

This comes from the Georgia 2020 Cares report on item 12 page 5 where the state claims over 7 million absentee ballots were prepared and mailed out in the 2020 Primary Election.  

The assumption is that this number was the same only a few months later in the general election in November.

CBS in April 2021 claimed there were 7.4 million voters in Georgia.

However, the website notes that the state of Georgia has 5.6 million registered voters.

The more you look into Georgia, the more suspect the results of the 2020 Election become."