Saturday, July 24, 2021

"CNN Town Hall: More Proof That Biden Is Unfit to Be President"


"Last night at a CNN town hall in Cincinnati, President Biden

peddled outright falsehoods about the economy,

spewed COVID misinformation,

lied again about so-called voter suppression,

randomly started shouting when answering a question about DACA,

delivered awkward jokes that left the half-empty auditorium in silence,

bizarrely rambled on about men on the moon,

falsely claimed that he never said he wanted to defund the police,

and frequently uttered sentences that were so incoherent that no human being on planet Earth could comprehend what he meant.

One wonders how host Don Lemon managed to keep a straight face.

But the “objective” reporter could probably have passed as Biden’s communications director.

Incomprehensible ramblings from Biden have practically become the norm in the last six months.

But don’t expect our dishonest corporate media to utter a sound about our stumbling and confused president.

At this point their only job is to protect him and make him appear as coherent as possible, a task that is becoming more challenging by the day.

When Biden was asked how we can keep schools safe for children under the age of 12 if they are not yet eligible to be vaccinated, here was his muddled response:

“And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where are why can’t the the the experts say we know that this virus is in fact it’s going to be or excuse we we we know why the all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved and but permanently approved, that’s underway too, I expect that to occur quickly.”

And worse than this word salad, the president still struggles to keep his facts straight.

When he encouraged Americans to take the COVID vaccine, he falsely claimed that “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

This after six fully vaccinated Democrat lawmakers from Texas tested positive for COVID after fleeing their state in a failed attempt to block a bill that would strengthen voter security and decrease the likelihood of fraud.

Fully vaccinated aides to both Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also tested positive for COVID last week.

By Biden’s own White House’s standards, any video of him spreading that medical disinformation on social media should be considered dangerous and harmful content and should promptly be removed.

But don’t expect consistency from the same White House that considers voter ID requirements akin to or worse than the Civil War and Jim Crow.

When Biden was asked by a town hall participant who identified herself as a Republican what he would do about “The rise in misinformation from the anti-vaccine community,” the president responded by saying he would “listen to the scientists.”

This after Biden had just said that students who are not vaccinated, including those under the age of 12, “should probably be wearing a mask in school,” something that is in direct contradiction with the advice of numerous well-respected scientists and medical professionals.

When Biden was asked by another town hall participant whether his $6 trillion in proposed spending would cause inflation and increase the already rising cost of consumer goods, here was his answer:

“If we pass the other two things I’m trying to get done, we will, in fact, reduce inflation.

Reduce inflation.

Reduce inflation,” Biden said, apparently under the impression that his audience was hard of hearing.

“Because we’re going to be providing good opportunities and jobs for people who, in fact, are going to be reinvesting that money back in all the things we’re talking about, driving down prices, not raising prices.”

Never mind the fact that the consumer price index rose by 5.4 percent in June, the largest increase since 2008, and new jobless claims increased by 51,000, resulting in a total of 419,000 unemployed workers for the week ending in July 17.

There are also currently 3.2 million Americans who are still unemployed and presumably receiving checks from the government to stay home.

Biden’s delusions continued when he said that “The vast majority of the experts, including Wall Street, are suggesting that it’s highly unlikely that it’s going to be long-term inflation that’s going to get out of hand.”

But the economist Larry Summers, whom Biden referred to as “a friend,” may disagree with that assertion.

In February, Summers wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post in which he warned that if Biden’s massive spending programs are implemented,
     “There is a chance that macroeconomic stimulus on a scale closer to World War II levels than normal recession levels will set off inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation, with consequences for the value of the dollar and financial stability.”

And Peter Schiff, another economist, also sounded the alarm in May, saying,
   “The 100 percent cause of inflation is the government … It’s when the government spends money that it doesn’t collect in taxes and then the Federal Reserve monetizes the resulting deficits by printing money.”

Just last month, in an interview with Bloomberg, Summers again warned that inflation could increase by “pretty close” to 5 percent by the end of the year, and several other economists are also worried about long-term inflation.

But apparently Biden has not spoken to any of those economists recently.

When Biden was asked about his administration’s official stance on immigration, he gave this unintelligible answer:
    “What we’re trying to set up is in the countries like in, and in particular the Northern Triangle, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, et cetera, we are setting up in those countries, if you seek asylum in the United States, you can seek it from the country, from you’re in place.

You can seek it from an American embassy.

You can go in and seek and see whether or not you qualify,” Biden said.

“There were thousands of people in in custody with the Border Patrol.

It’s now cut by 90 percent.

It’s considerably down.”

In reality, there were more illegal border crossings in June than at any point in the last 21 years, with 188,829 migrants apprehended.

And 180,641 migrants had already illegally crossed our border in May, the previous 21-year high.

There have now been more than a million illegal apprehensions since fiscal year 2021, more than double the number from 2020.

Finally, when Biden was asked about how he would deal with the explosion of crime and gun violence in mostly Democrat-run cities, he said that we need to eliminate assault weapons and that we need more cops who are

“Involved in community policing.  Community policing…. It’s about getting, we have availability now of over a billion, lots of money for cops to be able to hire psychologists, psychiatrists, as well as social workers, to be engaged in the process.”

In Biden’s fantasy world, violent criminals are not responsible for their actions — only guns are.

Even if that were the case, it’s not clear how an unarmed social worker with no formal police training would be more effective than a police officer at preventing a violent criminal from engaging in a drive-by shooting

or stopping a deranged man in an increasingly crime-ridden New York City from trying to rape three different women within an hour of each other in Inwood Hill Park in broad daylight, as happened on Wednesday.

Biden’s behavior and antics are becoming more alarming by the day.

We have known for a while that Biden was unfit to be president.

Last night confirmed it."