... "the fizzled Democrats’ HR-1 “For the People” aka., “Voting Rights Bill,” more aptly dubbed by savvy Republicans who blocked it as the Corrupt Politician’s Act.
It had nothing whatsoever to do with protecting voters – it was all about gaining raw federal power.
A key feature of HR-1 was to functionally ban states from requiring photo ID to vote, an election integrity measure that a Monmouth University poll found 80% support, including 62% of Democrats.
Another purpose of HR-1 was to weaponize the Federal Election Commission from a designated six-person membership with three from each party (requiring four to decide) to a five member commission selected by the president …two from each party with an “independent” also selected by the president.
According to Former Republican FEC Commissioner Lee Goodman, “The FEC would lose any semblance of impartiality and credibility if enforcement decisions were turned over to a 3-2 majority.”
(consider) Socialist Senate Budget Chairman Bernie Sanders’s $6 trillion “American Jobs Plan” which should more aptly be titled American Bankruptcy Action.
That budget-busting 2022 Democrat-sponsored proposal includes record spending for most federal agencies, with the Education Department rising 41%, Health and Human Services 23%, and EPA 21%.
... Factoring for inflation, there will be essentially no increases for the Pentagon, and zero increase for homeland security.
This military mismatch increases the risk of miscalculation and war, as China seeks regional military dominance.
Russia, Iran, and lesser powers like North Korea, also threaten allies and the U.S. homeland with missiles and cyber hacking.
The Infrastructure Bill That Wasn’t
The original $2.3 trillion so-called “Infrastructure Bill” should have been more appropriately titled the Fiscal Reapportionment to Achieve Utopian Delusions (FRAUD) heist.
Less than 10% of that budget had been earmarked for transportation-related items most of us would characterize as infrastructure … things like road, bridge, and airport maintenance and improvements.
It recently appeared that a bipartisan alternate deal was in the making, one that would trim down this largess to a $1.9 trillion package that would focus on those particular needs, plus urgently strengthening the energy grid and expanding access to broadband internet.
President Biden said he favored the plan, as did moderate and vital split-Senate Democrat vote Joe Manchin of West Virginia.
Then came the Biden bait-and-switch boomerang announcement that the president would only sign the bill provided if it was tied to another tandem spending plan that replaced everything in the kitchen sink that was thrown out by the tentative bipartisan agreement.
On June 24, Biden said he wouldn’t sign the bipartisan infrastructure deal if Congress doesn’t also pass a reconciliation bill, committing to a dual track system to get both bills passed.
It’s by no means certain that the infrastructure deal will be able to muster the 10 Republican votes it now needs to overcome a 60-vote filibuster in the Senate, or even that Joe Manchin would support a bill that he regards excessively large.
The American Family Cradle to Grave Debt Plan
Contingent with the Dem’s double-dealing infrastructure agenda is a so-called “American Families Plan.”
More accurately hallmarked as the Family Nanny-state Entitlement Trap – (Family NET for short) – if enacted it would extend the reach of federal entitlements to 21 million additional Americans, the largest expansion since LBJ’s Great Society.
The American Families Plan, a grab bag of federal intrusions into families, their lives and livelihoods, demonstrates how far the left progressives want to extend the federal government’s reach into American pockets and lives.
Included are:
free community college;
free daycare reimbursements for families
earning 1.5 times their state’s
median income for children under 5;
a $3,600 tax credit per child,
federally financed wage subsidies
up to 12 weeks for time off to care for
newborns or sick family members;
permanent expansion
of earned-income tax credits
to workers without children;
and more.
These entitlements are different from past “safety net” programs which were legitimately intended and justified to help those who were poor or temporarily down on their luck.
Instead, they are explicitly designed to make middle-class families and individuals dependent on “free” government handouts they will ultimately pay for in inflation and rising taxes.
Households in the upper half of the non-elderly income distribution would receive 40% of the new entitlement benefits.
If enacted, more than half of working-age households would be on entitlement doles, including 57% of all married-couple children and more than 80% of single-parent households.
For example, two-parent households with preschool-age children and incomes up to $130,000 would qualify for daycare cash assistance, as would single parents earning up to $113,000 with two preschoolers.
The Irreversible Socialist Entitlement Slavery Society
The U.S. is rapidly falling into a trap where the entitlement state becomes too large to afford, but also too politically entrenched to reform.
As a result, other spending priorities – notably defense – will be crowded out by automatic entitlement increases which always start small, then soar.
And while “taxing the rich” sounds good, it won’t come close to covering the mounting deficits. Increased middle-class tax burdens are an eventual certainty, likely a value-added or carbon tax … or both.
Contrary to Biden’s assertion that the plan “doesn’t add a single penny to our deficits,” John Cogan and Daniel Heil at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution project that his plan would add more than $1 trillion to the national debt over the next decade.
We’re already well on our way along that treacherous path.
Medicare – once a safety net program for senior citizens – now covers 37% of Californians.
Democrats propose to provide that coverage to anyone over age 55.
And whereas the Biden administration proposes to use more than $200 billion in new business taxes to finance the new spending, it unexplainably also proposes to finance increased Medicare spending with that same money.
Another Democrat proposal would tap an estimated $25 billion in revenues from unused jobless benefits from 26 mostly red states that have voluntary ended $300 federal COVID relief jobless bonuses.
In other words, the money “saved” from workers in GOP states that have behaved responsibly during the pandemic would be used to finance such Democratic priorities as electric vehicle charging stations and California’s bullet train to nowhere.
That’s a deal that only progressives can love."
Our nation became a circus with Covid in 2020. The news media became the public relations firm of a government that decides what you don't need to know, and how to slant what you do need to know. Blog motto: "Is that true, or did you read it in the New York Times?" ... “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” ... Groucho Marx
Thursday, July 8, 2021
"Beware of Progressive Bait and Switch Pitches", by Larry Bell