Source: John Solomon
"John Paul Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer shop owner who unwittingly came into possession of Hunter Biden's laptop, says an FBI agent initially gave a stern warning to his family when first offered a copy of the explosive evidence about Joe Biden's son: "You better lawyer up and get out of my office."
... Isaac described ... his extensive efforts to get authorities in law enforcement and Congress to pay attention to it ...
... Isaac said he never took a dime for providing the materials to the FBI, Congress and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani ...
"Well, for somebody who's not very political, I assume what happened to me was the quintessential political hit job ...
" ... it's completely decimated my business. I had to leave town."
... Isaac said one of his biggest disappointments was the FBI's behavior when his family offered the contents of the hard drive to agents.
Isaac said a man identifying himself as Hunter Biden dropped off the laptop and other water-damaged computer equipment in early spring 2019 and failed to pick it up, even after signing a document declaring it would become his shop's property in 90 days.
After the 90 days passed, Isaac said he examined the laptop contents and was troubled by what he found: explicit sex photos and evidence of large, suspicious foreign transactions involving the Biden family and Ukraine, China and Russia.
... Asked what prompted him to approach the FBI, Isaac said he was concerned by the emails and other records on the laptop showing complex financial transactions with foreigners, especially with Ukraine and the Burisma Holdings gas company that was in the impeachment headlines in summer and fall 2019.
Isaac said a month or so later, an FBI agent from Delaware who specialized in child exploitation crimes approached him, eventually seizing the laptop with a grand jury subpoena.
But even then, Isaac said, the FBI seemed disinterested in the laptop contents.
"They really didn't show an interest in any of the money," he said. "They were more interested in why I was afraid, and not necessarily what was on the on the drive."
I explained to them that "there's powers foreign and domestic that are involved.
There's a lot of money involved.
Somebody, someday is going to look for this."
Hunter Biden ... recently acknowledged he has been informed by the U.S. attorney in Delaware that he is under criminal investigation for his "tax affairs."