Monday, December 7, 2020

Brief summary of evidence showing unusual voting patterns and suspicions of fraud since election day

Democrats spent four years viciously attacking Trump, often with false stories, convincing many people that getting rid of Trump, by any means necessary, would be good for America.

Biden barely campaigned, as if he was sure of winning.

Kamala Harris was very unpopular in the Democrat primaries and her state of California would strongly favor any Democrat anyway. She was not picked to help win California, or any other specific state.

100% of unlikely voting patterns and voting fraud evidence, including over 700 affidavits so far, are about fraud or suspected fraud, that favor Biden.

No complaints of fraud favoring Trump.

Significant voting rule changes in 2019 and 2020 made election fraud much easier to do, and harder to catch. None of these changes were approved by the state legislatures in the way deemed lawful by their state constitutions.

Late night "vote dumps" strongly favoring Biden after Republican ballot counting watchers, or all watchers, were thrown out of the room. At least in Detroit and Atlanta.

A strange pattern of voting:
-- Republicans did very well, except for Trump,

-- Biden did poorly, versus Hillary Clinton,
   except in a few important "swing states".

The following article provides more details about those two late night "vote dumps".