Sunday, November 1, 2020

Biden Crime Family censorship is in full force by media leftists, who believe they know what’s best for the American people -- we are now officially a banana republic

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmed on Wednesday that information exposed by former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski, is real. That information connects former Vice President Joe Biden to companies and ventures in China.  Democratic candidate Joe Biden was aware of his son’s business questionable overseas business dealings. This should be a huge front page story, after Joe Biden repeatedly publicly denied knowing about his son’s business ventures in China, Ukraine and Russia.

What was in Robert Hunter Biden's laptop?
Read the details, including photos, from a U.K. media source because you will not 
hear or see anything in the United States:

The mainstream media had no problem running fake stories about President Donald Trump for years, and fake stories about his family – without corrections after the stories were refuted.

Bobulinski is an eyewitness to the Biden Crime Family operations. He has verified documents, photos, and e-mails received from Hunter Biden’s computer hard drive that the FBI has been sitting on since late 2019. Rudi Giuliani did the only thing an honest American citizen should do when the FBI failed to act -- he turned over a copy of the Hunter Biden hard drive documents he had to The New York Post.

Joe Biden is compromised by foreign adversaries, after allowing, and approving of, family members using his government position to profit his family (at least both sons, a brother, and a sister) in the tens of millions of dollars since 2009, and maybe a lot more, in total, over many decades.

Twitter, Google and Facebook worked hard to keep the truth from the American people. I have never used Twitter and Facebook, and only use Google because this free blog is owned by Google. I avoid the Google search engine for 95% of my searches. I recommend  It's not better than Google, but works well 95% of the time.

Tucker Carlson, on Fox News, had more than seven million viewers tuning in for the Bobulinski story. The compelling story did not exist on the other networks.

And Senators could not get a straight answer from Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey on why his platform banned The New York Post's Hunter Biden laptop computer stories.

I usually watch the half hour national news with David Muir on ABC, with a pro-Democrat bias, followed by the first half hour of Tucker Carlson on Fox News, with a pro-Republican bias. Last week I watched the whole one hour Tony Bobulinski interview on Tucker's show.  If Joe Biden had been a Republican, the story would have been front page news on nearly every newspaper in the United States the next day. But Joe Biden is a Democrat, so the story was completely ignored by the mainstream media.

“Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised” said Bobulinski in Tuesday night’s hour long interview with Carlson. He said he turned over evidence to the FBI and spoke about his meetings with then Vice President Joe Biden. Biden is referred to by his son Hunter Biden, in emails obtained by the FBI, and first published by The New York Post, as the ‘Big Guy’ and or ‘the Chairman.’

Bobulinski revealed that he
“held a top-secret clearance from the NSA and the DOE. I served this country for four years in one of the most elite environments in the world, the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command, and to have a congressmen out there speaking about Russian disinformation, or Joe Biden at a public debate referencing Russian disinformation when he knows he sat face-to-face with me, I traveled around the world with his son and his brother. To say that and associate that with my name is absolutely disgusting to me.”

Joe Biden lied at the second Preside
ntial debate, “I have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life.” That is misleading -- the share of the money / profits / investment intended for Joe Biden was given to Hunter Biden, who then "gifted" it to his father, and/or directly paid his father's bills.

Americans have been left in the dark.  The mainstream media does not want the American people to be informed.  

Although they promoted the fake Trump Russian Collusion Delusion hoax for four years, and never published retractions.

Leftists ruin everything they touch, from the media, to liberal arts colleges. They are doing their best to ruin America too. Voting for Joe Biden, the head of the Biden Crime family, would be a big mistake. If you vote for him, then you are an uninformed fool.

Of course Donald Trump is no statesman. He is an obnoxious blabbermouth, constantly bragging about himself and grossly exaggerating his administration's accomplishments. What he is NOT, is a socialist.  But Joe Biden is.  After four intense investigations, is is obvious Trump is NOT a criminal. But Joe Biden is.