Thursday, October 31, 2019

Trump-Haters are Wrecking America's Institutions, and their own Democrat Party too

The anti-Trump 
started in the
Obama CIA, FBI 
and Department 
of Justice, acting 
as partisan politicians,
rather than neutral 
public servants,
desperately trying 
to dig up dirt 
on then candidate 
Donald Trump.

And failing.

Later, the Senate 
confirmation process 
for Supreme Court 
justice Brett Kavanaugh 
was also a disgrace.

As I have written 
many times before, 
truth is not 
a leftist value
 -- that's why leftists 
get so much negative
attention at this blog.

I'm no Trump fan.

I strongly objected 
to Trump's corporate 
tax cuts, with a detailed
analysis, published
in my newsletter 

I have criticized
deficit spending
( for this stage of 
the business cycle ) 
under Trump,
his exaggerations,
his bragging, 
and his generally 
rough personality, 
but I'm also not 
a Trump hater. 

The Trump haters 
viciously attack him 
when he does 
something wrong, 
but also manage 
to attack him 
when he does
something right,
like getting the 
ISIS leader 
to kill himself !

Never before did 
an American 
political party 
lose the election, 
and then immediately 
start a new "campaign" 
to block the winner's 
investigate him,
and impeach him.

The always angry Democrats 
treat Trump as if he's
an illegitimate president !

The "Resistance" 
has caused the public 
to lose trust in the FBI, 
CIA, and Department 
of Justice.

The Resistance 
fabricated Trump’s 
collusion with Russia.

The Democrat's smarmy
"Christopher Steele Dossier" 
was a summary of fictional 
"dirt" on Trump, and his 
campaign aides, paid for 
by Hillary Clinton.

It was used by the FBI 
to justify launching a 
investigation into the 
Trump campaign.

It was the first 
investigation into 
a political campaign, 
in American history.

The Obama FBI used 
capabilities to target 
a political campaign, 
with no evidence 
of any crime ... 
and there's still 
no evidence 
of any crime, 
three years later !

“Trump derangement 
syndrome" is motivated 
by a desire to take back 
political power, using 
whatever means 

The Democrat House
inquiry into Ukraine
is based on Trump's 
phone call with the
Ukraine president.

It's the latest attempt 
to remove President
Trump from office.

Testimony takes place 
behind closed doors, 
and Democrats refuse 
to release transcripts 
from the depositions 
of former and current 
State Department 

Democrats then 
leak to the press, 
most likely 
using misleading 
cherry picked
quotes taken 
out of context,.

Or completely 
false "leaks".

And then the 
will publish 
they are told.

Impeachment was 
meant by the founders
to be reserved for 
unusual circumstances. 

For Watergate, 
there were
hundreds of hours 
of testimony 
broadcast over TV.

The public had been 
convinced by that real 
uncensored testimony.

And then Richard Nixon 
knew he had to go.

Now we have 
Democrats saying 
'This is really bad', 
and Republicans saying, 
‘There's no crime here',
about the same
secret testimony.

In the 2016 
contributed to 
Hillary Clinton.

95% of bureaucrats’ 
donations went to Clinton, 
according to The Hill’s 
analysis of donations 
from federal workers, 
up until September 2016. 

97%, at the Obama 
Department of Justice.

99%, at the Obama 
State Department.

The Senate Committee 
on Homeland Security 
and Governmental Affairs,
reported that in Trump’s 
first 126 days in office, 
his administration 
“faced 125 leaked stories
 —one leak a day—
containing information 
that is potentially 
damaging to 
national security, 
under the standards 
laid out in a 2009 
Executive Order 
signed by President 
Barack Obama.”

95% of the U.S.
mainstream media 
is actively engaged
in partisan "warfare" 
against Trump.

There are no longer 
"journalistic standards".

There are so many 
attacks on Trump, 
that the attackers 
end up contradicting
each other:
-- Trump is 
either too dumb 
to be president, or 
-- Trump is a dictator, 
consolidating power 
around himself, or 
-- Trump is the 
most sophisticated 
"Manchurian candidate" 
in history, secretly 
directed by Putin.

These false claims 
make Democrats
appear to be fools.

Robert Mueller’s 
spent $32 million, 
for the biased
process of using 
ONLY Democrats, 
to investigate
ONLY Republicans.

2,800 subpoenas 
issued over two years, 
and 500 search warrants 
exercised, yet 
there was nothing 
to pin on Mr. Trump.

Well, they did come up 
with the un-American 
claim that Trump was 
guilty of something, until 
he proved his innocence.

The Russian troll farm,
called the Internet 
Research Agency, 
spent money on 
lame Facebook ads, 
most placed after 
the 2016 election
-- they'll never be 
tried in a U.S. court.

The hacking of 
Hillary Clinton’s 
emails by “Russia”,
was alleged 
only by a company
the DNC hired, and  
not even the Obama 
FBI, was allowed 
to examine DNC 
computers and 

Paul Manafort, 
was convicted 
on tax evasion 
of money earned 
in Ukraine in 2014 
- what does that 
have to do with 
Trump in 2016 ?

George Papadopoulos 
and Michael Flynn 
were "guilty" of
details of their past,
-- not about any crimes -- 
just like anyone would do, 
when their memory
is matched against
the FBI's actual transcripts 
from their phone calls.
that had been "intercepted".

General Flynn also faced 
prosecutorial misconduct, 
including "revised" 
FBI interview notes, 
revised to make 
Flynn look bad
-- he should be 
pardoned by 
President Trump. 

The Democrats 
have exhibited 
bad faith, dishonesty, 
incompetence, and 
unjustified malice 
toward Trump.

That's why 
Attorney General 
Bill Barr's study 
of RussiaGate’s origins 
was recently upgraded to
a criminal investigation.

The left-biased 
New York Times 
is already
denouncing Barr.

And a huge report 
from the DOJ 
Inspector General 
is nearing release. 

There is a an
Democrat effort 
to identify an 
offense committed
by President Trump.

The Mueller Team 
ruled out collusion
with Russia, and 
obstruction of justice.

The latest charge 
is a "quid pro quo" 
with Ukraine, and 
obstruction of 

If you want to know 
what a "quid pro quo" 
is, then view this
short 2018 video, 
where Joe Biden 
brags about 
his quid pro quo 
with the Ukraine 
president in 2016:

The Democrat goal 
is to impeach and 
remove Trump, 
regardless of 
whether or not 
he did anything 

Democrats are like 
prosecutors who 
target the defendant 
first, and then search 
for a any crime 
to charge him with !

The Soviet Union 
secret police, 
under Stalin, 
did that !

The search for an 
impeachable crime 
with no evidence  
that any crime 
has been committed, 
is unprecedented 
in U.S. history.

The U.S. 
says that an 
impeachable crime 
is limited to treason, 
bribery or other 
high crimes and 

"High crimes 
and misdemeanors" 
means an actual 
violation of a 
criminal statute.

Impeachment for 
was debated and 
explicitly rejected 
by the framers 
at the constitutional 

James Madison, 
who was the father 
of our Constitution,
did not want any
president to be subject 
to the political will 
of Congress. 

would be an imprecise 
impeachment criteria.

Using it could turn 
our constitutionally
limited republic, 
into a parliamentary 

Where a prime minister 
can be removed 
by a no confidence vote 
... by a 51% majority 
of the legislators. 

Congress does not 
have the authority 
to change the 
impeachment criteria 
without a constitutional 

Members of Congress
take an oath to apply 
the Constitution, 
not to ignore it's
specific criteria. 

Maxine Waters 
placed herself 
above the law, 
when she said: 
"Impeachment is about 
whatever the Congress 
says it is. There is no law 
that dictates impeachment. 

What the Constitution 
says is 'high crimes and 
and we define that."

Did President Trump 
commit impeachable 
offenses when he spoke 
on the phone to the
president of Ukraine ? 

Or when he 
directed Executive 
Branch members 
to refuse to cooperate 
with congressional 
in secret testimony, 
with no court order 
forcing their compliance ?

The answer 
to both charges
is "no". 

Even a 
quid pro quo, 
exchange of 
foreign aid for 
a political favor, 
is NOT a crime, 
or impeachable 

President Barack Obama 
misused his power 
to take personal revenge
against Israeli Prime 
Minister Benjamin

In the last days 
of his second term, 
Obama engineered 
a one-sided UN 
Security Council 
resolution declaring
that Israel's control 
over the Western Wall
 -- Judaism's holiest site -- 
constitutes a
"flagrant violation
of  international law." 

Nearly every member 
of Congress opposed 
this unilateral change 
in our policy, but 
it happened because
Obama hated Netanyahu.

President George 
H. W. Bush pardoned 
Caspar Weinberger 
and others, 
just before their trials, 
to prevent them 
from pointing 
their fingers at him.

In fact, Congress may not 
compel the Executive Branch
to cooperate with an 
impeachment investigation, 
without a court order. 

Legislative Branch 
and Executive Branch 
conflicts are resolved 
by the Judicial Branch.

There has been
no impeachable 

Since Donald Trump 
has been under 
constant investigation 
for longer than 
any other president 
in U.S. history, 
and no crime 
has been found, 
I'd say that no real
impeachable offense 
will ever be found.

On the other hand, 
House Democrats 
are in the majority, 
so they can impeach 
President Trump 
if they don't like 
how he combs 
his hair !

The Senate 
should refuse 
to hold a trial, 
in the absence of 
any impeachable 

Bypassing a trial
will only require 
50 Republican votes, 
plus the one extra vote 
of Vice President Pence.

There will be 
no conviction 
in the Senate, 
where Republicans 
are in control, 
because Trump can
"win", even if 19
Republicans vote
FOR his conviction
( plus every Democrat ).

So Donald Trump 
will remain 
as our president, 
probably for the 
next five years !

The right way 
to decide who 
should be president, 
is called an election.

The Democrats 
might want 
to learn that.

have now spent 
over three years 
making themselves 
look like angry, 
horrible people, 
willing to lie 
whenever that 
might help them 
get what they want.

The next election 
is in one year.

seem to be
doing everything 
they can do, 
to be unlikeable.

And guarantee 
that one of them 
will NOT be 
the next president.