Monday, August 26, 2019

Why Did Hillary Clinton Get Off With No Punishment From the Obama FBI ?

In 2016, the FBI’s 
chief lawyer, 
James Baker, 
originally thought 
Hillary Clinton 
should be indicted, 
and James Comey
wrote a draft 
supporting the 
felony standard 
in late April 2016, 
but then walked back 
that decision in early May. 

And Hillary 
was "exonerated"
in early July 2016.

Between early May and 
early July 2016, FBI agents 
had already started informally 
investigating the evidence-free 
Trump - Russia collusion claim, 
dropping the Hillary Clinton 
destroyed e-mails investigation
like a hot potato.

Attorney General Bill Barr 
seems to be in no rush 
to explain what happened
within the FBI in 2016, 
assuming he will ever 
try to explain.

The Obama Justice Department
and FBI in 2016 had two standards 
of justice -- one for candidate
Hillary Clinton, and another for
candidate Donald Trump.

Hillary committed many crimes,
we were told by James Comey,
such as moving highly classified
documents from the government
computer system, to an 
unsecured private server 
off government property, 
and then destroying at least 
30,000 e-mails under subpoena 
by Congress, for which she
received no punishment.

Trump committed no crimes,
but he, and associates, were
treated as if they were guilty.

President Obama's former 
FBI director James Comey
deliberately ignored the
"highly classified" 
evidence in the 
Hillary Clinton 
e-mail investigation,
and downgraded the
initial FBI assessment 
of her crime, 
from a felony, to a 
"grossly negligent" 

Comey decided to back off
"even though the agents believed 
access to the sensitive evidence 
was "necessary" to complete 
the investigation," 
wrote investigative 
journalist John Solomon. 

Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok 
was responsible for downgrading 
the language regarding Clinton's
conduct, from the criminal charge 
of "gross negligence" to 
"extremely careless."

"Gross negligence" 
is a legal term 
associated with 

"Extremely careless"
is not a legal term.

18 U.S. Code § 793
 "Gathering, transmitting 
or losing defense information" 
specifically uses the phrase 
"gross negligence.":

In 2016, FBI General Counsel 
James Baker thought Clinton 
should face criminal prosecution, 
but was talked out of it.

The FBI obviously decided 
not to pursue Hillary's 
"highly classified" evidence
 to avoid having to charge her
with "gross negligence."

It's obvious the FBI's strong
anti-Trump / pro-Clinton bias 
played a role in their decisions. 

IG Horowitz concluded in his 
final report that  anti-Trump bias
led then FBI agent Strzok, and 
bureau lawyer Lisa Page, 
to quickly wrap up the 
Hillary Clinton investigation 
so they could focus on the 
fake Trump-Russian collusion 
claim, created out of thin air
by smarmy Hillary Clinton,

and other nasty Democrats.