Previously in this blog,
concerning foreign
interference in the
2016 election:
A small amount
of claimed interference
that would have favored
Donald Trump:
The Russian internet trolls
and $55,000 of poorly worded
Facebook ads, before the election,
were near meaningless,
... obviously unprofessional,
and not done by the Russian
The claimed Russian hacking
of the DNC, and transfer of
hacked e-mails to WikiLeaks,
is a lie, with no evidence.
The alleged "proof" is a
report paid for by the DNC,
written by a private company,
headed by ex-Russians
who hated Vladimir Putin.
A significant amount
of real interference
that would have favored
Hillary Clinton:
The false claim
of Russian hacking
of the DNC, and Trump's
collusion with Russians,
was used to smear Trump
during the campaign,
in spite of the collusion
being a complete fabrication.
The Russian lies demeaning
Trump in the Fusion GPS
"Trump Dossier",
written by foreign national
Christopher Steele, and
paid for by the Clinton campaign,
were used to justify an
FBI investigation of the Trump
campaign, starting in July
2016, including an unknown
number of wire taps,
and a FISA warrant for
at least one Trump
advisor, Carter Page.
New information:
House Intelligence Committee
Representative Devin Nunes
says what should be investigated
is the FBI’s (and CIA's) actions
overseas interfering with the
Trump campaign in 2016.
The FBI had informants
spying on the campaign.
They targeted volunteers
Carter Page, George
Papadopolous, and others,
who traveled outside the U.S.
Once they were overseas,
the FBI received information
from informants to dig up
"dirt" on Trump
during the campaign.
The details of what actually
took place remain murky.
At the University of Cambridge
in London, ‘Cambridge Intelligence
Seminar,’ FBI employees made
successful attempts in contacting
members with the Trump campaign
in 2016, including Carter Page
and Papadopolous.
DOJ investigators t
need to know
whether it was
the FBI or CIA,
or both,
that lined up
confidential sources
to deliberately contact
the Trump campaign.
CIA head John Brennan
briefed Harry Reid
on the "Trump Dossier"
in August 2016.
He never briefed Paul Ryan,
Republican Speaker
of the House at the time.
John Durham’s investigation
is looking into Professor
Joseph Mifsud, who made
direct contact with Papadopolous.
Mifsud shared information
with the campaign volunteer
suggesting the Kremlin
had the missing Hillary Clinton
e-mails during the 2016 campaign.
This claim is missing from
former Special Counsel
Robert Mueller’s hatchet job
Mueller’s report contends
that Papadopolous' contact
with Mifsud was the reason
the bureau initiated
their investigation
into the Trump campaign
at the end of July, 2016.
The FBI named
the investigation
‘Crossfire Hurricane'.
The task of investigating
actions of the FBI and CIA
overseas falls to DOJ
appointed prosecutor
John Durham,
the U.S. attorney
in Connecticut, and
Justice Department
Inspector General
Michael Horowitz.
Durham is believed to be
questioning senior CIA
personnel, according to
a recent New York Times
Former Cambridge Professor
Stefan Halper was outed
as an informant for the FBI.
Currently, Finance Committee
Chairman Chuck Grassley
is investigating financing
that was provided
by the Department of
Defense’s Office
of Net Assessment
to Halper.
Halper's connections to the CIA
and FBI are extensive, and he
had been awarded multiple contracts
with the DOD totaling $411,000
by Washington Headquarters
Services -- contracts that ran
until this March, 2018,
according to