Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Robert Mueller testimony to Congress -- the first hour

July 25 update:
I could not listen 
for much longer 
than the first hour. 

Mueller was obviously
the team leader in name only.

Mueller did a "great job" evading 
relevant Republican questions,
and left a lasting impression
of a doddering old fool who
should have retired permanently
at least ten years earlier.

Smarmy Andrew Weissman,
who should have been in prison
for needlessly destroying 
accounting firm Arthur 
Anderson LLP in 2002
killing off almost 28,000 jobs
with his malicious prosecution, 
( which was later reversed by the 
Supreme Court 9 to 0, in 2005 ).
was obviously the real team leader
who hired only Democrats
and investigated only Republicans.

Original July 24 post:
After listening to the first hour
I'm more convinced than ever 
that Mueller is a horse's ass.

His team of ONLY Democrats,
investigated ONLY Republicans.

So right away you can expect
a biased report, filled with 
speculations when no 
evidence was found, 
and that's what we got.

There were three known
incidents where Russians 
tried to interfere with 
the 2016 election. 

If there was any effect 
on 2016 votes, then
it was certainly to reduce
Donald Trump's votes
see (1) below:

Mueller ignored the ONLY
incident very likely to have
changed votes -- the 
Russian disinformation 
(Steele bragged about his Russian sources)
in the Fusion GPS - Christopher
Steel "Trump Dossier",
paid for by Hillary Clinton.

Mueller treated the "dossier"
more like a news report, 
ignored the Russian sources,
barely mentioned it, and
never connected it to 
Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clintyon used 
the "Russian hacking"
to link Trump to Russia
and claim he was 
colluding with Russia.

It was all fiction, of course,
and for her lifetime of lying,
Hillary Clinton is 
a horse's ass too !

Mueller grossly exaggerated
about the Russian "troll farm"
that bought a mere $45,000 
of Facebook ads 
before the election --
(and about $55,000 after the election)
ads with poor use of English, 
and not persuasive,
strong evidence the 
Russian government 
was not involved.

Mueller blindly accepted
the claim from a company
headed by Democrats, 
from Russia, who hated 
Vladimir Putin,
hired by the DNC, 
who after only one day
on the job, confidently
announced that 
unknown "Russians"
hacked the DNC computers,
and then the DNC claimed
it was Russians 
who fed the e-mails
to WikiLeaks, who then
made them public information.

The Democrat National
Committee refused to let
the friendly OBAMA FBI 
look at their computers 
to verify their primary
claim that Russians
interfered with the
2016 election !

There is no persuasive
evidence to refute
WikiLeaks' claims the
DNC e-mails were stolen 
by a DNC insider, and
transferred to them 
on a flash drive.

Julian Assange,
of WikiLeaks,
begged Mueller to 
interview him 
(of course Robert
Mueller refused
-- he already had the 
"blame the Russians"
narrative that he wanted.)