A brief summary is below:
"The Mueller Team's Report
Ignored Everything Important !
What Would You Expect
from a Team of Angry Democrats,
Investigating Only Republicans?"
Sections (1) through (10) are at a higher level
Sections (11) through (24) are mainly details
“The conclusions of the intelligence community with respect to the Russian hacking (of the DNC) were not conclusive.” Barack Obama, in his last press conference as president.
Most important: To meet their political power goals, truth does not matter to Democrats, which is typical of leftists. I've observed this characteristic of leftists, in my climate science reading, since 1997. The fake, evidence-free, Russian Collusion Delusion, makes the American people look like fools to the rest of the world. Well, at least the Democrats look like fools.
And this can happen again -- next time an unjustified "Deep State" investigation might keep a Republican out of the White House. High level Obama Administration Democrats "weaponized" the US government against Republican candidate Donald Trump in 2016, maybe starting in 2015. This does not become meaningless simply because the effort failed. It will happen again. And the next time the "Deep State" may succeed.
The Democrats' original goal was Republican voter suppression in the 2016 election. That started with the evidence-free, fake Russian collusion charges, months before the election. After the election, their revised goal was disenfranchising the 63 million Americans who had voted for Trump, by forcing President Trump out of office, through his resignation, or impeachment and conviction. If that goal is not achieved, the next goal is to smear Trump's character, and embarrass him so much, that he will not be reelected in 2020. All this is being done from WITHIN the US government.
Democrats in Congress are currently ramping up attacks on Donald Trump. And I see no end to Democrat attacks while Trump is president. When Trump fights back, the Democrats ramp up their offensive. Democrats in the House are led by Nasty Nancy Pelosi and her three stooges -- three Democrat House Committee leaders. All of them are from urban, heavily Democrat districts, where they are very safe for the next election, even if Trump wins in 2020.
Democrats in the House are acting like a Democrat Party opposition research firm, on behalf of the Democrat presidential nominee for the 2020 election, not as elected legislators. House Democrats could not care less about new 2019 or 2020 legislation to benefit the American people.
This is a vicious political "civil war", with Democrats in the government trying even harder to overturn the results of the 2016 election. There has already been gun violence. Republican legislators were shot at on a softball field, by a lunatic Bernie Sander's supporter. One Republican Congressman, Steve Scalise, House Minority Whip, was hit by a bullet, and almost died.
Republicans wearing red MAGA baseball caps get assaulted in public. Congressional Democrats talk about President Trump as if he has broken some (imaginary) law every other week. Democrat "comedians" are in a contest to see who can insult our president the most. In summary, angry Democrats have made our nation an unpleasant place to live. And they have done so by following the leftist mantra: Getting more political power is more important than telling the truth.
Obama Administration agents and officials never thought they’d be held accountable for their crimes. I hope they were wrong. My greatest disappointment is that some former Obama Administration senior personnel have not received prison sentences. Especially James Comey. Losing their jobs was not enough punishment. This could happen again. It might work the next time. Prison sentences might prevent future weaponizing of our government to destroy a political opponent."