By popular demand, I will provide
a prediction about how Democrats
will react to the soon to be released
Mueller Report.
Predicting the future is generally
no more accurate than flipping a coin,
but I'm providing my thoughts here
only because I believe leftists are
very predictable !
The Russian Collusion Delusion
started before the 2016 election.
I said it was fake news here,
in late 2016.
The thought that Trump,
a "one-man-band",
would collude with anyone,
never made sense.
I wish Trump would collude a lot more often
with experts in their fields, to learn more
about policy issues ... and spend less
time on his own, tweeting, bragging and
exaggerating his accomplishments.
The Collusion Delusion is not
going to end this year, or ever.
Leftists do not change their minds
on any subject, except to move
further left.
Truth is not a leftist value.
And "we were wrong" will not
be heard from many Democrats,
if any.
The Democrats will NOT accept the
Mueller Report without spinning it
to support their fake Russian
conspiracy theories, and
obstruction of justice.
In spite of hiring almost all Democrats,
including some smarmy prosecutors,
Robert Mueller will be described
as a "Republican".
Democrats will cherry-pick
sentences that can be spun
into some kind of collusion,
or obstruction.
Democrats will allege things
that can never be proven,
or disproven, and keep
expressing outrage
about Trump.
Trump Derangement Syndrome
will continue as long as Trump is our
president, and maybe longer.
Here's what I expect Democrats
to do, and say, following publication
of a heavily redacted Mueller Report:
Democrats will do everything possible
to force the release of Trump’s
tax returns, looking for any Russian
Trump is the first presidential candidate
in 40 years to not release his tax returns,
so he must be hiding something.
Democrats will claim the Mueller Report
details events and conversations
that are deeply disturbing, and illegal,
but there were no indictments only
because they could not be proven in court.
Democrats will claim Mueller
may have refused to issue a
recommendation on obstruction
of justice, but there was obstruction.
Mueller would not have been believed
if he claimed Trump obstructed his
investigation, although he WAS
repeatedly harassed and character
attacked ... but he was also allowed
to stay on the job for almost
two years to finish his report.
Democrats will claim there's
circumstantial evidence
of conspiracy between Trump
operatives and the Russians,
to interfere in the election.
And that's why Congressional
Democrats must investigate that
evidence, and come to their own
"unbiased" conclusions.
Democrats will claim the redactions
in the Mueller Report are excessive
-- proof that Attorney General Barr
is obviously hiding evidence
of actual obstruction of justice.