Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Muller inquiry found no collusion

The Muller inquiry 
found no collusion. 

I predicted that here in late 2016.

If there was any “collusion”, 
it would have been leaked 
many months ago.

The summary of the Mueller Report,
by Attorney General William Barr, 
clears the president and his aides 
of any collusion with Russia, and says
there is no legal case to support 
obstruction of justice charges 
against him.

How could there be obstruction if 
Mueller was allowed almost two years
to write a 300+ page report ?

This is a devastating defeat 
for the lying Democrats, 
and most of the lying US media.

Russiagate is this generation’s 
Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

I opposed the attack on Iraq before
it happened, in my economics newsletter,
because Iraq had nothing to do
with the 9/11 attack on NYC. 

Lost a lot of subscribers as a result !

50% of respondents, in a poll 
before the Barr / Mueller letter,
already said they agreed with Trump 
that the Mueller probe is a “witch hunt.”

Stories have been coming out for
weeks that hinted Mueller’s final 
report might leave audiences

The Hillary campaign and the DNC 
gave over one million dollars to Marc Elias, 
a Clinton lawyer, who in turn hired 
Fusion GPS, who in turn hired former 
British MI6 agent Christopher Steele. 

Mr Elias was used so Hillary 
and the DNC could itemize 
the expense as “legal services”, 
rather than list payments to Mr Steele, 
which would be in breach of federal law.

Steele’s "Trump dossier"
was passed along to the FBI. 

The Trump dossier 
was used to justify 
the opening of what the FBI 
call san “FI” (Full Investigation), 
which in turn was used to justify 
a FISA order permitting the FBI 
to put Trump’s associates 
under surveillance. 

Perhaps the Trump dossier 
was created to provide a pretext 
for an FBI, without which 
surveillance of the Trump campaign 
would not be possible ?

The real scandal is the “deep state” 
trying to thwart the will of the 
democratic system by preventing
Trump from winning, and after 
they failed, trying to smear Trump 
and drive him from office.

What other Republican candidate 
in 2016 could have withstood 
this sort of assault, which most 
likely started in late 2015 ?