Thursday, March 21, 2019

The tech giants attack free speech by conservatives

Over the past few years, 
tech giants decided to launch 
a campaign to censor
conservative ideas
on the major social media 
and internet search platforms.

From “shadowbans” on Facebook 
and Twitter, to demonetization 
of YouTube videos, to pulled ads 
for Republican candidates 
during election campaigns !

Millennials dominate 
the leadership at many 
of these social media 
platforms, and 
they are offended 
by political viewpoints 
different from their own.  

Facebook actually 
developed algorithms 
to “deboost” content
with certain keywords.

A Facebook whistleblower
who approached 
James O’Keefe’s 
Project Veritas, 
revealed Facebook
was limiting distribution 
and appearance 
in news feeds
of conservative ideas.

This was stealth censorship.

Facebook's algorithm recognizes
the syntax and style popular 
among conservatives 
to “deboost” their content. 

The terms“mainstream media,” 
“SJW” (Social Justice Warrior) 
and “red pill”, were among the terms
listed as red flags, according to the 
former Facebook insider.

This censorship is a great threat
to free speech in the U.S.

U.S. Representative Devin Nunes 
filed a $250 million dollar lawsuit 
against Twitter on Monday,
accusing the social media site 
of “shadow-banning conservatives”, 
including himself, to influence 
the 2018 elections.

Nunes claimed Twitter wanted 
to derail his work on the House 
Intelligence Committee, 
which he chaired until 2019, 
as he looked into alleged and 
apparent surveillance abuses 
by the government.

If left unchecked, 
Big Tech and liberal activists 
could construct a private 
“social credit” system 
like what the communists 
have implemented in China.

Big Tech can exclude conservatives 
from wide swaths of American life 
simply because their political views 
differ from those of tech executives.

There is no conservative principle 
that says we are obligated to adopt 
a laissez-faire attitude while the 
richest companies on earth 
abuse the power we give them 
to put a thumb on the scale 
for our political enemies.

If we lose the ability to speak freely 
on the Internet, how else are we
supposed to fight for the future 
of our society ?