Tuesday, October 2, 2018

My apologies to Rachel Mitchell -- she was better than I originally thought !


Friday, September 28, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford -- Liar, Liar, Pantsuit on Fire

I wrote the following paragraph,
that I now think was wrong,
but I don't delete things I write
in my blogs, and pretend 
I never said that, I make 
visible apologies 
and corrections:

Here's what I wrote:

"The "professional" 
that Republicans hired 
for questioning was boring, 
treating the questioning
like a deposition,
not a cross examination,
and she was no "Perry Mason",
when a TV "performance" 
with emotion was required."

My  Correction:

Part 1 -- the lame excuse:
I think I may have been biased
by watching attorney "Perry Mason"
reruns five times a week,
where big actor Raymond Burr, 
who was gay, by the way,
and worked with 
handsome actor William Hopper, 
who was also gay, by the way,
and played detective "Paul Drake".

Perry Mason badgers a witness 
on the stand, with his brilliant 
and they confess 
to first-degree murder,
five minutes before the 
one hour show ends, 
getting Perry Mason's 
falsely accused 
of first degree murder, client 
off the hook ... every show !

That's what I wanted to see !

Rachel Mitchell, 
I now realize,
was trying to come across 
as neutral and non-threatening, 
to a woman with a PhD, 
who is a professional talker 
( a "college perfesser" )
yet to my ears
sounded like 
a teenage girl
"on the stand".

Mitchell did not focus on 
pointing out inconsistencies
as she heard them, which would 
have put Ford "on defense".

The number of 
"different truths"
about how many people 
were at the party, 
and how many of them 
were teenage boys, 
was stunning,
as Ford apparently
provided different numbers
at different times,
going back to 2012,
and that's VERY suspicious!

I love how Ford identified
her best girlfriend at the time,
as being at the party
with her, and the woman 
recently said she doesn't
remember such a party
(where Ford suddenly went 
home, leaving her alone
with only boys -- that would 
seem to be memorable!) 
and the woman stated,
under oath, that she'd never 
even met Kavanaugh.

And that was coming from 
a lifelong "friend".

Mitchell was obviously
using half her "brainpower"
to listen very carefully, 
and her later report / memo,
summarized in my prior article,
that was not asked for,
and not expected,
was a very good analysis
of the Ford testimony.

I believe Mitchell released
the unexpected report / memo
to tell the general public
something she thought
they needed to know:
Ford's claim was very weak.

Listening carefully 
in the years of the
Trump Derangement Syndrome
may be almost a lost art.